No, I am not retiring at 22... In about a month, I begin the most epic journey of my entire life... Traveling around the world for an undefined amount of time! The GENERAL itinerary is:
- Train it down the west coast to California, Phoenix, and Nevada. Visit Friends.
- Attend Mardi Gras over in New Oleans. Help their tourism industry by drinking a lot.
- Venture North to New York, try to take cheesy pictures and eat crazy huge pizza.
- Northbound more to Montreal. Visit other friends. Try to speak French and get laughed at.
- Fly over to the UK. Here it gets even more vague...
- Scamper around Europe. Learn a language or two... or at least "where is the washroom" in a bunch of languages.
- Abduct innocent people with sexy accents and convince them to accompany me to exotic India! Shop, surf, and do yoga and such, maybe get some henna and harsh diarrhea.
- Find my way over to Southeast Asia. Possibly going through China, or maybe by Travel Unicorn. Hopefully I will hear some recommendations for places in between India and Vietnam by then.
- Swim about, hula hoop, light bonfires, and dance on the beaches of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and the many many small islands over in that general area. I might end up there for a while.
- Once I start yearning for English speaking countries, I can/will hop down to Australia!! I am told it's very easy for young Canadians to get working holiday Visa's there, so if I run outta money or decide I really want to buy something fancy, I can work for it. I have also been warned that I may end up liking it too much there and not come back, so I am saving it for near the end.
- I have always wanted to see the Great Barrier Reef, ever since I started putting aquatic lining in my room when I was a teenager. I have decided that even though it's part of Australia, the reef deserves it's own little bullet.
- The Pyramids have also been a must see, this may become a side trip from Europe, but I am not inclined to go there alone. So it depends on how many abductions I succeed at.
- Anything past Australia is dependent on how poor and emancipated I am, so its one giant question mark
Everything is going into a 50-55L Osprey backpack. It's comfy.
On another note, my car was covered in snow today... It's crazy outside!

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