Wednesday, March 24, 2010


ok ok ok it's been forever, sorry. I am quickly typing this out of guilt... I am still up and down here, although on the whole doing better than before. The weather is getting warmer which is making a huge difference :) I have been making earrings and such for the past two days and I am sick of making them! Only 7 more though... I might get too sick of it and just rearrange them in a more spread-out fashion though just to finish the job lol.

We have a new floor. It's almost done. My German still sucks ass but I am on the last disc so it will be over soon. Then I have to decide if I want to blow my travel money on school (I don't want to) or continue to suck at German. I have been told by enough people here that I need to go to school to learn the grammar porperly... it's very complicated... but I am good at learning by myself and I don't want to pay for it. I want to work but at the same time want to travel, so I am still facing a big decision. Do I leave and travel, or do I stay and work a shitty underpaid job, try and scrape by, and attempt at learning the language for a year? The latter would be more of an experiment or stubborness, the former would be running away from something I am having a hard time with. I don't know what I want to do with myself for a year... next year I will be a quarter century and do I really want to reflect on this year as a waste of time? I mean really I am not doing anything meaningful here. Definitely not making any money, not planning on staying past my visa at all, and then when it's over I go home and actually be productive for a year? What the fuck am I doing here then???? Some of you are probably scratching your heads and wondering "Why doesn't she just go home then?". Well to be honest the first thing that comes to mind is "well the weather is getting better and it would be silly to leave Europe when the weather is getting good". Yep. I am staying for sunshine. If I don't get work here then fuck it I will explore the many unexplored countries around here... and come back and try again in the fall maybe. Maybe I will come home early. Maybe I will travel to Egypt or Malaysia first, then over to SE Asia on my way back via Hawaii like I was going to the first time. Who knows.

Ok rant over. I have to wait for an hour before I can stream more Law and Order on Megavideo so I think I killed some time here :)

I have taken a couple pictures, but my life is such a mess right now it might be a while before I upload them.... I have to be in one of my better moods...

love you!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Computer Fuckrd Again

ok so my computer is acting up again big time, so it's a miracle when it turns on right now. I did another Acer Recovery thing... it finally turned on just now, but I went to the toilet and Floh says it was making a very loud beep beep noise like an alarm and turned it off. I just turned it on now and it seems to work again, but I am wondering how long it will work so just as a warning I will only be spending so much time on the computer right now.... only want to turn it on when necessary....

I can't handle buying a new computer right now... on the plus side I had my first massage here today! I think it went well, just need to find more clients!!

have to go to a stupid meeting and then help clean a house with a cool looking girl tomorrow, so I best be off!
