Jon was tired, but I wanted to take the metro into town not a taxi. The metro was more than the bus, so it was a compromise in a way. The metro into the city took about 40 minutes, then it was time to get Jon's photos off his camera. I was eager to meet my host and the absolute last place I wanted to be was another hotel, but I stayed in the lobby putting photos on my sc card while Jon freshened up in his room.
My hosts were going to be working at a bar in the center of the city, so I was going to leave my backpack in the bar and go walk around the city. The bar was really easy to find; I left the hotel lobby with Jon and passed this:
One of my hosts was working at the bar, and turns out Dimitris, my previous host, was also working there! We sat down for a coffee, and I put my pack down. Jon was able to get a hold of Josh, and he was on his way when Alexia showed up as well! It was great to be back around lots of people! Alexia had to take off though, but they left just as Josh showed up so we sat outside in the sun and caught up with Josh's adventures in Athens!
Josh had brought along this British guy from the Hostel he was staying at, and we all sat outside. The combination of these three yielded tequila though, and then they started buying tequila for my host Chris and Dimitris! They seemed happy, but then we needed food. I was not partaking in the tequila, I was drinking water. Josh was also hungry, so we all went on a food hunt... Here is the main shopping street in Athens:
There are little old churches dotting the squares where they built new stuff around them!
Looking down side streets you could see the Acropolis. This was like a whole new city in the sunshine compared to the fog and rain!
We continued walking:
We reached Monasteriki - where we were heading for! There is a "flea market" which is not a flea market at all... it's stores and restaurants but whatever.
We found one but it was a little expensive for Josh and I, so we went and got street food while Jon and the British guy stayed there and ordered. We wolfed our food down and came up for the cheap beer.
Josh took pictures of us on this balcony, so I am waiting on pictures from him I guess. He had a nice camera!
After food and hanging out listening to the nice traditional music they were playing on the rooftop restaurant, we went walking again. Josh took us towards where people were selling homemade stuff on the side of the street
I was still distracted by the Acropolis:
This church was along the way as well:
The view was really nice along this walk
I was back in my element, looking at dilapidated houses and nice scenery!
There was a rooftop bar at Josh's hostel, where you could see a huge part of Athens and a nice view of the Acropolis. There was happy hour there too with beer for 1 euro, so that was an extra plus. We walked there to check it out and I saw this weird shopping cart. I have no idea why, but it was chained to the fence. Someone wanted this thing to stay there. I don't know what to say...
The view from the Hostel was actually really nice! The weather was great too, so it was extra nice to be outside :)
The lighting was getting good for photos:
This one is kinda blurry sorry
I liked how these looked:
As it got darker, the lights began to turn on! It looked so nice!
I ended up talking to a bunch of people at the bar there, and met some nice travelers. I was supposed to meet my host at their bar at 9pm, so I had to leave to make it there in time. I ended up taking a posse with me though, since Jon and Josh came with plus some other people from the hostel! I arrived and Chris was there and off work. We stuck around for one small beer and then took off towards the Metro! It was Jon and Josh's last night out so they were going to stay there and drink it up, so I said my goodbyes and went back to my host's house.
Some people were still up! The house was quite pleasant and warm, so I sat on the couch and had one last beer talking to my new hosts (there were three girls and one of the bf's was over) for a while. They were really nice! They fed me I believe before everyone got tired and hit the hay.