It had started snowing last night, so I knew I was going to have to call work...
So I did. Slept. Called again. Slept. Got ready and called again. Nope, still had to risk my life and come in. So I tried and the car would not get out of it's seven inches of surrounding snow (plus all the snow that had been scraped off the car). Surprise Surprise. The side road was also not plowed and looked like a deathtrap. I took some pictures of how crazy it is here:
I obviously can't drive to Langley in this, and not ten minutes after I had called work to let them know I was stuck, my dad called to make sure I had not tried to drive to work ha ha ha!
The night before, I went to Josef's birthday gathering, which was fun for the small part I was awake for :)
Unfortunately I was exhausted after work, plus I had to work the next day too so I ended up having an extended nap for the majority of the party... woke up in time for cake and everyone laying next to the fire... here is a synopsis, you can click on them to go to flickr :)
It looks like it will be a video game day for me, since I didn't bring any crafts here and I can't really go anywhere...
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