I am still experiencing problems sleeping, but I have at least two massages tomorrow (possibly more) so I have to try...
Packing is not going so fast. The suitcase is still empty, but I guess I after a year of living out of a backpack I am allowed to put it off until the last week. Thing is, I have to pack up my whole house again too so that is going to take time. If I don't know what I'm taking, I can't pack up the rest so I am going to have to get on it soon. I've been finding so much stuff lately, like my foxes:
This is my first day without a German lesson since I started! It wasn't planned; I just forgot to bring the headset out here and I can't start a new unit without speaking. I did finish the whole first disc of Rosetta stone yesterday though!! Plus, I watched Inglorious Bastards again tonight so I at least listened to the language... recognized more words compared to the first time watching too so that felt good.
My lack of packing and heavy drinking has also allowed me to finish a several-years-long occasional project of mine! I am super happy to see it done!
I still have the pattern and lots of floss left over since I ended up buying this pattern twice (fucked up the first one). Should be enough to repeat; you know how they always give you extra anyway...
if you want to try you are welcome to the supplies :)
It even ended up in a recent photoshoot of mine for stock photography, so maybe one day my cross stitch will be famous hahaha
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