Ok so I am currently waiting on photo editing software. I had made image files of my Canon cd's to install things on this computer, but it turns out they are not going to work with my mini computer's screen resolution. Hopefully this downloaded version from the Canon website won't care that my computer is very wide screened.
My stomach is still not quite back to normal, but it's a lot better than a couple days ago. It did recover by that evening, so Floh, Rene, and I went to see a parade in a neighbor village :) They were serving hot wine which unfortunately I didn't like, but the atmosphere was really nice. Everything was on a hill, it was snowing, people in costumes, it was cute. I was a little grumpy from being sick and sleepy, but I still enjoyed the parade :)
There was a party thing in a big hall afterward but it was full of really young people. We left fairly early to check out the local bar back in Tr-Tr. This was more pleasant! I woke up the next day without the urge to puke which was really nice! There was another parade in another neighbor village that day so we watched that. There were repeat floats but it was still entertaining. I was having a hard time getting into the mode since I had just found out about the death of my cat literally seconds before being called to the car.
I had to get some privacy for a while, so I went out to a little red bench overlooking a valley. After a while I came back and watched the parade :) I felt guilty about being in less-than-perfect mental shape for my first weekend back in Europe. We went to Floh's brother's house for a while, then we were off to a cellar bar thing for the after-parade party. I was doing well, but then we went to visit one of his friends that lived nearby and they had a cat. I was messed up about that so when we returned to the bar I looked around and thought "no". I put my coat back on and went out for a walk. I ended up in the middle of nowhere.
I made my way back and people were ready to leave. Floh went down for his coat... but something was missing!! His camera was stolen! Someone had taken everything out of his pockets including some bread, and everything out of Rene's pockets too. I must have been outside when this happened because the only thing missing of mine was my wings and that's all I had left behind when I went for my walk. This was turning out to be quite a Valentine's Day...
We attempted hitchhiking back to his village, and a car stopped so we started running. This guy was a dick though because he drove off once we got close. Ass. Luckily some nice people stopped for us five minutes later :) We went for burgers, and dropped by barfly to see if anyone was there before going back to the house.
The last parade was in Floh's village. We were able to just walk right down and watch :) One of his friends were serving hot chocolate instead of wine so I was happy! The parade was fun; I took some pictures this time so once this photo editing problem gets solved (I have to be able to rotate and resize at least) you will see them! We visited his grandparents after this, and there are more funny pictures. They fed us some nice old white wine which I liked, then we were off to their after-parade party again. This one was more fun for me - I recognized more people and had a bit of wine, danced about, etc. Next was their discotheque. We had to get up super early the next day for our flight though, so it wasn't a really late night. Someone had made off with Floh's jumper at the hall! This was not Floh's lucky weekend :( I felt bad!
Waking up for the flight killed me. My nose had started running since the day before, so my head was dizzy, sick, and full of mucus. I was nauseous again and barely could stay awake while eating. I slept in the car, in the airport, on the plane, and on the bus/u-bahn. I then slept when I got home. It's been a lazy day; I organized my big pile of stuff into a corner and that's been about it. I'm too tired to do much else right now though. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz