Saturday, February 13, 2010

In Traben-Trarbach!

ok so I have a little time to write while I am here on the couch...

I got very nauseous yesterday after writing. I ate a piece of bread and pizza for most of the day, and both were earlier in the morning... I went to the Ausländerbehörde (I think that's how you spell it) but they were not taking any new people even though they were supposed to be open for 6 more hours. Walking out of there frustrated started some of the nausea. I am supposed to "register" within a week of arriving I believe, and I was getting on a plane the next day argggg.

So we visited a few people, which turned out super productive! They were trying to get rid of stuff, so I got a hair dryer (something I had to pick up), and there were a couple massage tables sitting in this place! One of them was owned by Paul, so Floh got me to call him and ask if I could borrow it sometimes. It's two streets away from Floh's! So I left there with a hair dryer and a borrowable massage table! Things were rolling along fast for my first day back :)

So next we went back to the house and I lay down to rest my stomach for a bit. Floh convinced me to come with him to see some boots and pick up stuff for dinner, despite my stomach. I thought it would go away being outside, but it didn't. I stared at a pile of snow near Haupbahnhof but nothing came out.

We picked up boots, dinner, and some missing toiletries for me and I went to lay down again. I ended up feeling too sick to eat dinner or play Settlers (and I love that game too) Rene came over, so we packed and went to his house to get up early for the plane to Floh's hometown the next morning.

I was still sick-ish when I woke up. I managed to down one plain dinner roll over the span of about 2 1/2 hours and slept on the plane. When I got off the plane I felt better though :) Floh's dad picked us up and drove us back to their house :) Traben-Trarbach is like out of a movie or something! It's super charming! His dad doesn't speak English and his mom only speaks a little, so I am the odd one out here. I am still way too freaked out to try and speak German, plus twice now someone has laughed at me so I don't foresee myself trying again anytime soon.

Since my stomach was feeling better, we went for a walk around the city :) It was all snowy, I took some pictures which I will post when I am back with my computer etc... We came back and ate soup, looking at the snow. Felt like winter for the first time. It's cold but cozy. Unfortunately my sleep is still messed up, so temporarily laying down at 5pm ended up being the end of my night :( My throat tasted awful, stomach unhappy again, dizzy, fatigue, so I couldn't get up afterwards and ended up being in bed until the next day!!!!

I woke up with my stomach super angry again, and this time I did throw up. It was before I'd eaten anything too so it was mostly acid. I was lightheaded and dizzy, but I downed food and managed to keep it down. Now I've had more food and some stomach drops and feel much better :) I am hoping this stays away for tonight!!

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