The language thing is getting me increasingly freaked right now too. I am too embarrassed/shy/self-conscience to try and say anything yet - to the point that here I am supposed to be on the speaking part of my lesson and I am putting it off because there are people in the house and they might here me practice. It's very silly I know, but every time I try I feel overly aware of how wrong I sound and I end up making even more mistakes.
I tried doing an online test to see what level I am at, and it is dismally low. I feel like I've learned so many bloody words already but I am still just a beginner. Tried a 20 question A2 test thing and I got around 50%... ugh. I even failed the ultra-beginner 20 question thing the first time, and that's as low as it gets. I think I just suck harsh at languages. It's extremely frustrating when I try to read things because I will recognize the odd word but still have no idea what's going on.
It takes me ages to figure things out even when I know all the words, because I have to re order them in my head and sometimes the same word is used in totally different situations. I can see why people say learning languages helps prevent Alzheimer's now because I am pretty sure some of those unused gears in my brain are trying to start turning.
I am sick though, and I am always dumber when I am sick. Maybe I will learn a little faster when I am better.
I remember at first I was super excited about all the words I could understand compared to when I was in Berlin last, but now all I see are all the unknown words, so my attitude probably has to change too!
In other news, I uploaded the pictures from my point and shoot from Tr-Tr:
Here I am on the bridge
Floh and I
closer one of us awwww
Floh knew a bunch of the Michael Jackson Thriller float
original Porsche
The visit to the grandparents! Rene gave them his hairpiece haha
This is from the after party in the Hall
fun times eh!
hmmm do you read these comments? I hope so... if I don't get a reply I shall email. Actually, scratch that, I will just email you.
of course I read them! I don't get too many though so I don't read them every single day :p
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