Monday, April 26, 2010

The Saga Continues

So I left off where I had stopped writing in my dayplanner. I have become horrible at writing things down again arg! Time for research I suppose! I can't remember much from Easter Monday, but I had a massage on Tuesday and then I went to someone's house to use their sewing machine. It was quite nice talking to the couple, and I got a lot done. I ended up sewing for hours though, so I didn't get home until 11 or something. I had pilates the next day, so I went to that and had a walk in the sun afterwards. It was so nice out, and I had brought my camera.

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there were bears out! I took loads of photos since they are so cute!
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I thought this looked odd with the house shape
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I went back quite pleased, plus I was going to Potsdam the next day with Pascal, so I was looking forward to that!

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