We walked around the market right by our hotel - it was gorgeous although smelled like fish. The cheapo grocery store was open so we got another 40 cent drink or something....
We were walking around casually, and I decided to shop a little. We were making our way slowly towards a train station to print the tickets for Geneva ( I wanted to make sure it would work with my credit card). We passed a bread store with bread made in the shape of Eiffe towers! They were like 8 euro or something stupid like that though so we just stood outside and took pictures of it:
Next we found this lovely church. There are a lot of them around. We were trying to wander to random places that we hadn't seen yet, so this was one of them. Along the way I bought a sweater, and then another sweater! I wanted to buy more, but I was not letting myself :)
We came across this shopping area on the way to the opera, and saw sooo many people with expensive name brand bags just walking around. It blew my mind, considering I wasn't about to pay more than 20 euro for something, and these people were dropping 400 easy on a shirt or something. One person I could conceive, but there were tons of people walking around with these bags and I wondered how it was all possible.
We eventually found the Opera! It was very pretty!
We didn't go inside it, but admired the outside. I was looking around for shoes while walking down this cute street after, and we bought some crepes. They were super hot but super good. We made our way through this strange area...
then this is what the streets looked like that we were walking around:
We somehow walked all the way to this tower! We were on our way towards Victor Hugo's house.
This part got confusing, we weren't sure if we had found the place or what but the area still looked nice so we walked further. Our feet were kinda tired but we pushed onwards and checked the place out.
We found it! It was closed, but we were happy enough to be outside it. At this point my camera died. I thought I might be able to turn it on for a couple extras so I was very very selective! It didn't work though...
I had remembered my extra battery, but lo and behold I had forgotten to charge the thing so I had two dead batteries. Ugh.
these photos are from Erin's camera! I really like this shot:
Here I am taking my last photo!
The amount of walking was starting to increase again, so when we ended up at this area:
We decided to take the metro back to the hotel and have a little rest before going up the Eiffel Tower. This way I could also charge my batteries!
So I will take a break here since there are quite a few pictures around the Eiffel at night.... We were taking a break around this time anyway so it seems to fit :)
Sorry this is so bloody behind. Truth be told, I have been slacking lately since I have been thinking about going through this blog when I am home again and making it better somehow. It would be nice to be able to pour over my experiences and make the writing more interesting etc. I see it like a future project though which makes is difficult to update sometimes, especially since I am so far behind.
It's possible that I might start going horribly out of order to write about new stuff while it's fresh, then fixing up the dates later. It likely will make things a mess, but whatever I don't think it will be completely awful!
Think of it like a jigsaw.
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