The view was also very pretty! Seemed a bit of a shame to be leaving now that the weather was improving here...
... but I did. I arrived at Jon and Josh's hotel right on time since there was no more bus strike :p They told me that they were actually unable to book flights for today since Jon's credit card was having problems. They were looking at just going to the airport and trying standby. The tickets had raised in price and Josh was freaking about that. He was saying that actually he would try to change the date of his flight to Amsterdam and just stay in a hostel there until he had to go home to Vancouver. I didn't want him to stay behind!
We all had to go to the airport regardless though, so off we went. Jon bought last minute tickets for the both of us (he convinced me by saying I only should have to pay him what the price was from last night) and Josh tried to talk to people about changing his flight. I tried to convince him that he should come too, but he said it was just too expensive. He had to wait till 2pm to talk to someone about changing the flight time, and Jon and my flight was at one so we had to run!
I have never been so late for a flight. We got on the place around 12:45 or something, it was soooo close. Next thing I knew I was in Cyprus! I didn't even know it was it's own country until they stamped me out in Greece.
Jon travels a LOT differently than I. I wanted to look for bus schedules, he wanted to look for taxi's. He said we can stay in a hotel the first night his treat, then we can go online and look for something more affordable (my idea). So we hopped in the taxi and ended up in Agia Napa at some place called Adam's Beach Hotel. I hadn't been in a hotel since last year with my parents. It was nice, but they wanted to charge for laundry so I started putting shampoo in the bathtub and washing my clothes...
This is the view from the room!
So I put the laundry up on the balcony to dry since it was so warm. It was 30 degrees at least! I was so happy with the weather :D
The hotel had a bunch of pools, but also it's own beach cove thing. It was quite pretty, and it was still warm enough to go check out the water:
For some reason my toe started itching like nuts. It wasn't bleeding or anything, so I don't know why. Maybe it was the pina colada... I made a face:
Jon posed too
I was able to go into the water at night it was so hot! I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that it was mid-late October and I was swimming in the ocean! The water was clean looking too, which was a plus.
Jon tried to get one of me with the full moon in the background, although it is blurry. You get the idea though...
After that I went to take the LED hula out for a spin. TONS of photos were taken, so it's impossible to post them all on here.... I'll just post four and if you like these types then you should click on one and it will take you to the album where you can look at all the photos. I should be organizing them into a hula hoop/night shot album as well to see the past ones too :)
I was pretty stoked about using the hoop, but I got hungry so we went to eat something. I was pretty pleased with my day of warmth and swimming and hooping, and I think you can tell:
After this we had some wine, but after wine and traveling I got sleepy and fell asleep on the corner of the bed. I was way to the side so I didn't give my buddy the wrong impression. That is of course after I rolled around on the stuffed animals (he won those while bored with Josh on their cruise) hahahahaha:
Then it was Law and Order then sleeeeep.
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