Friday, October 15, 2010

Zemun and a Cafe Crawl

Today was Zemun day, so I started walking up towards the city. It was a beautiful walk along the river. There were cafes and green space the whole way up! The boat parking seemed a little haphazard but at least they were facing the same way...


Saw some nice artwork on the way...


I really liked this one on the sidewalk!


I made it into the city and it was completely different to Belgrade! It was like a village, with lots of one story buildings and a market etc.


I don't remember the cars being so prominent... kind of annoying for photos but if you ignore the cars you can kind of picture what it felt like to be there


This building looked run down but in an interesting and good way:


I'm sad that my photos don't really capture what it's like to be there. It's actually a really nice place and it feels quite small and clean. The pictures make it look busy but it felt peaceful... I don't know why!


I assume this guy died or something...


This building was on the main road. That one was actually pretty busy with cars. There were few traffic lights so you just look at cars and cross the street. Eye contact is key so you know you aren't going to get run over.


I started walking up the hill towards a viewpoint where I could apparently see Belgrade from, and walking up the hill I would get glimpses of the river and such. It was really charming up here!


Here it's flat.. maybe I hadn't started walking up yet haha. Well either way I was slowly heading up towards the hill so it's all in the same direction. I had already walked through the park and most of the lower part of the city, so I was on my way up.


I have decided that run down buildings look really interesting. I think Berlin has solidified that opinion into my head now hehe. This is a different type of run down here though...


When I started walking up this charming street I couldn't help but think about how my mom would really like this street here. It was clean, quiet, and comfortable. People would be spraying their stones and such. Plus there was a bed and breakfast.


I made it to the top of the hill! I knew there was a cemetery there that I wanted to walk through, but there were people in it with flowers so I figured I should wait until after the service to wander around. Instead I went to this big thing:


To the right of it was a restaurant, and to the left was a little viewpoint. There were three teenage guys there already talking and listening to music, so I kept to myself at first taking photos of the pretty view. I sat on some brick and enjoyed the sunshine and peace.





FOX came out for a photoshoot!


He also sat on the bricks:


I watched a kitty sun itself from a window:


Eventually I wanted a picture with me in it. I walked up to the boys and asked them to take my picture. They were quite helpful!


I talked to them a little while since they put on dubstep and all. Turns out one of the teenagers had been to Berlin before (he had a tongue ring in his ear so I think he was even trying to stretch it - I haven't seen ANY stretched ears here!) so that was cool. Some guy was talking to them, then they had to go to school. I felt kind of old then. Ah well. I started walking to the cemetery and walked through it on my way down the hill.

I passed this sign and couldn't help but wonder if they knew how funny it was.....


I thought this was an adorable way to adorn a fence:


While I was walking around this area I had been occasionally listening to my ipod. I was listening on the way back to the city center of this area when my German lesson only came out of one ear. Now before I had left for this trip my original Ipod earphones had started getting quite fuzzy out of one ear, but only with bass. I think the dubstep had actually blown the speaker in there, so I took this incredibly cheap and shitty backup pair with me on this trip. Now this pair seemed kaput.

I tried investigating the cord and found somewhere I thought was broken. Since I had no knife (damn you easyjet) I used my nails to rip off the rubber. It was actually really easy. The hard part was getting it off the thick bottom part, and that's when I ripped the plug part clean off. Now they were completely broken.

I still wanted to learn German though, so I walked down to the market I had seen before and found some new ugly white ones for 3 euro. Easy. I was hungry, so I then went to get some food. I was also thirsty, but I had spotted some nice cafe's along a pedestrian street so I headed there to see if I could eat my fast food there if I bought a coffee. I could. It was wonderful:


It was getting later, so I decided to walk to a bus stop before the museum closed. I got there in time, but it turned out there were a bunch of kids outside and they got the last tour. They told me to come back the next day. I was miffed!

I sat down and took a look at my map. I decided to walk along new streets towards the center and text this Austrian guy that had messaged me from CS to meet up for coffee. I encountered this messed up building:



I pet a friendly kitty on the way:


FOX got his famous place photo!


I found some postcards and my patch on the main street, then I saw that the guy had replied to meet somewhere!

I tried to go to the right McDonalds but it turns out I was wrong. I waited and waited, but to no avail. Eventually we figured out we both waited in separate places so he came to mine while I charged my phone. Dominic arrived with his host, and the three of us went to this lovely cafe for a couple beers. It was still warm enough to sit outside near a fake fire, and the place was packed! I liked the atmosphere quite a bit :) After this cafe, we met up with another girl from Belgrade at a cepap place. Then the original girl went home and the three of us went to a different cafe. I was full of food and beer already so I had nothing while the Austrian guy had desert and the girl had a juice. This one also had a nice atmosphere and was pretty full. I am really impressed by how alive Belgrade is at night. I had heard about the "nightlife" before and I know the clubs can get insane, but even the chill places are full and interesting. People are just active at night and I love it!

There was talk of maaaybe going to some live music, but it was farther away from where I was staying and I wasn't sure how to get back from there in the middle of the night. Instead I decided to take a bus back before they stopped at 11:30pm. I managed fine and even stopped at a grocery store on the way to the house so I could have cereal the next morning!!

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