I ended up salsa dancing :) The place was not what I was expecting - I thought it would be a big open ballroom type thing, but it was a little restaurant/bar with a cozy atmosphere and a big open outdoor courtyard with more seating outside. The band was just setting up, the dance floor was not huge but it actually made it better. The whole place reminded me more of things I'd seen on Rick Steve's videos in Spain then the US. Good food too.
I watched the pros, then danced myself twice - it helps when the person you're dancing with knows what they're doing, girls always just follow the guy (or other girl in my case the second round) in salsa.
The next day I decided to utilize my bus pass and randomly take transit around to a couple different parts of the city for scenic value. I got a sandwich and hopped on a bus - got off when I saw a park just packed full of people! There were people all over with blankets, beers, games, music, like a city communal picnic only I was pretty sure this happened almost every sunny Saturday afternoon.
After that I hopped on a bus again and it took me up a shopping street (where I window shopped a bit) then another bus through another park, only this one was huge. Golden Gate bridge was at the end of this one so I did the cheesy pictures since I didn't even bother to go there last time. It was prettier than I thought it would be...
The way back took me through ANOTHER park (Golden Gate Park) then I got hungry and went back for dinner.
I ended up not going to the birthday party last night: I was already on transit tons and didn't want to go back on the BART by myself. I was also lazy, Skyping, and already drinking at the hostel, so a bunch of us ended up all going out to a live blues dive bar that apparently used to be a brothel. The music was nice; I danced again. The singer had this crazy fire engine red suit with black sequin trim - I tipped them five Canadian dollars and they thought it was pretty lol.
I have a tiny little headache now from last night, but I am able to eat with no problem and once I find some Advil in my bag I will be fine :)
Speaking of maladies, I had this bruise on my hip from slipping on a box lid packing my house and it is turning all sorts of interesting now - enough that I took a picture...
Well, I'm out! Love you all!!
haha that looks likes mom's butt when she fell on the stairs..
maybe you will have a dent as well
i am jealous. i'm doing homework.
nice shoes....Mom
no dent so far - lol - bruise is almost gone!
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