In the afternoon, I went out to a Potluck in a park on Potrero Hill :) I made some quinoa with cheese... Dave came out with me and I got to go out on his motorcycle :D I forgot how much I love being on bikes! The park was a dog park with an amazing view - lots of food, hula hoops, a pinata (spelling), volley ball, guitar, etc... LOTS of fun!! There was a photographer there taking photos:
Photos by Mitch Aidelbaum
here are a couple of me with a cute dog:
post-potluck consisted of going for a spin in the bike :D
Dave showed me Twin Peaks (hee hee) which had the best view of the city I've ever seen, plus it was beautiful the whole way there. Only taking the Muni (buses) does limit how much of the city you see, I really gained a new appreciation for this place. It's a lot bigger than I thought!!!
After a nice drive back, he informed me that there was a movie named Hudsuckers that had hula hoops in it!! I think there were about seven or so of us watching it upstairs - pretty entertaining.
That night it was also decided that I will now be massaging staff for accommodation! works for everyone - staff needs massage, i need a bed and bathroom and kitchen :)
Monday was a very progressive day! My collapsible hula hoops arrived at the hostel! Something else arrived that was good news (no babies for me), I gave my first massage in a while, and met someone from CS. We met up later than expected, so I spent a fair bit of time at the the hostel and left around five or six? The woman's name is Jamie, and I instantly liked her. She gave me really good advice and insight into traveling India. She has a boi over there and had just arrived from traveling around India and SE Asia for five months! She had brought seven hoops with her, pretty inspiring hehe. We chilled at her house for a while until I headed back to go out with a few people from the hostel. I really liked this woman :)
That night there was a dubstep/electronic show about five blocks away at this nice nightclub with about 12 djs... I recognized one as someone who's played in Vancouver before at a dub show and was supposedly really good! I had possibly seen her at Shambles before but who knows what I see at that place...
The show was my favorite night so far in San Fran! SO good! I had not danced like that in a while, I was covered in sweat from dancing till almost 4am - music was good, people were friendly (and very pretty!), venue was nice, and there was an art installation by a friend of a friend. All round happy times. No photos I was too busy dancing sowwy...
I was sober for the night before, so I woke up tired but fine. I decided while walking for groceries that it was such a nice hot day that I should sit in a park. So I brought my crocheting, a hula hoop, music, and a book and went out to a park called verba buena near some art schools. I started making a cover for the hoops so they dont get wrecked on the plane to europe!
Did massage #2 yesterday as well.
Next was another Motorcycle ride this time to Treasure Island, this island halfway across the bay bridge. This was also very scenic, but I had left my memory card in my computer so I will just have to remember it *shrug*.
Onwards to a dinner party! Yummy soup, more nice people, and one of them was an energy healer which was fun to talk to. One of the people here at the hostel is getting married to a guest on Thursday, so we were going out to celebrate last night. We ended up at a bar, but I wasn't feeling like drinking so I talked for a bit then went back to the hostel.
I guess I'm all caught up here now... I am halfway through my book so far, doing laundry for the first time since arriving (once a week seems like enough so far...) sitting here in my veggie pants not sure if its appropriate to go out in these pants and my jacket. hah.
Today is my lazy day. Oh yes I've also developed a cough type cold (not sure how) so this is also a reason for laziness... It sure feels like a vacation so far :D
so when you went up to Twin Peaks did you have cherry pie and coffee, and then comment on the pie and coffee repeatedly until David Lynch showed up and started yelling?
ps: the movie with the hoola hoops is called the hudsucker proxy. it's by the coen brothers, and it's not very good, but it's okay.
haha I did not comment on any pie or coffee, but David Lynch did start yelling for some reason :p
oh! I just saw the cover of the movie and didn't see the word proxy... I liked it because of the fast talkin' chick and the fact that there are hulas... Coen Bros are good shizaaaa!
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