I slept on the coach most of the way... woken up to cross the border where I was asked many a question about my itinerary! I have never been asked so many questions at the border before… In the past I’ve had people almost forget to ask where I was going in the States!
Unfortunately I don’t have much of a solid itinerary (plus no tickets except the one to Seattle to boot), and I think the border guy was not really into freedom-from-schedules-travel (or freedom in general) so he stapled a piece of paper into my passport saying I have to return to Canada by 11:59pm March 15th. Hahahaha. I said I was going to be out of the States by spring time, probably early march, so the guy put a stamp on that gives me till mid March which was nice, but I got the impression that he was suspicious I would just start living in the US. Heh. I was miffed at first at having ANY sort of time limit, but after brooding for a couple hours on the subsequent coach ride to Seattle, I rationalized that I would definitely be out of the States well before then anyways, it gives me two weeks in NY (which might be too much), and I want to spend lots of time in Montreal yet still have lots of money for Europe.
So I am over it.
I had a latte and sandwich waiting for the train this morning, and I am paying for it now. Either that or I am getting motion sickness, or nerves, or a combo. Ugh. The train ride is so beautiful though! The seats have lots of room to lay back with leg rests and pillows. The observation/lounge car is bright and sunny (I am in it now) and it’s already gone by some water and fields and scenic stuff :)
My stomach is already feeling better, must have been the latte. I should know better by now.
Love you all!
uhhhm where's the erin's bday mention?!?! oh leanne you should know better, cafe = stomach ulcers!
ps you need to contact mom more, she is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, worrywart-style.
I was going to say happy late birthday on a post today, but I guess I'll say it now!! Happy Birthday sister!!!! All I did last post was quickly cut and paste what I had already wrote so that's why there was no birthday mention...
I guess I will have to use one of your calling cards soon then on poor mom. I am totally fine; san fran is like a warm vancouver with less homeless people, so its like i am out there but more south!!
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