I believe I left off on Sunday evening then. The next day involved a LOT of walking with Noelle and Shelli :) We walked to an art school/gallery, the beautiful city hall:
then another one, then way down into the SOMA area to a coffee shop. We walked for hours :)
Noelle had a friend (Anthony) who worked there so we got some free frapps yumm. Turns out the other guy that worked with Anthony was a dj so he flyered us...
...with dubstep! Not only dubstep, but it advertised Max Ulis playing with him hahaha. SMALL WORLD! I told him that I was from Vancouver and that I knew Max from back home; this guy (named Daniel aka Dubsworth) was friends with him too. What are the odds that I would walk into a random coffee shop quite a distance from the hostel to visit a friend of a friend, to encounter a show that featured someone I knew. Craziness to the extreme. Unfortunately the show is on the 6th, and I'd already bought my plane ticket. It's kind of a good thing I did buy it; I could see myself getting sucked in here even more and end up spending most of my travel time here haha.
We arrived back in the evening, and I prepared to go out to a thing called Spin Jam (for hula hooping poi etc) - but by the time I was all ready I would be spending just as much time on transit than hooping, plus I was tired from walking for almost seven hours or something ridiculous like that. I decided to just hoop on the roof deck instead. This was satisfactory, but by the end of that I was tired enough that I ended up watching movies lazing around for the rest of the night.
Tuesday consisted of going grocery shopping/eating pastries with Shelli, and online Mahjong which I am now addicted to again. I wrote for a while on this little computer, gave Noelle a massage, watched thinner with Shelli and Noelle in a cuddle puddle, and laughed at random pranks being played. Namely, Noelle putting shaving cream in Brian's (the Scotsman) shoes. He saw it first, but it was still funny. After dinner, a lot of us from the hostel went out to Specs a local piano old school bar... unfortunately I ended up feeling really lightheaded once I sat down so I ended up walking home about five minutes later :p I chilled with Shelli and two french guys (they made fun on Quebecois, African French, and Southern French accents - I had been told some French people do this but I had never actually witnessed it!) The lightheaded-ness started to fade with more mahjong (haha), so then I went to sleep.
Wednesday was fun! Noelle and I went on an Adventure! We took the Muni over to a park named Dolores park. There were palm trees in the middle of the roads, sun in the air, and people and dogs lounging around. I taught Noelle some hooping in the park until we got hungry. The park is sort of between the Castro (gay area) and the Mission (latin area) so there was an excellent burrito place a short walk away (17th and Valencia - I think it might be well known?!)
:) I could only eat half...
A friend of Noelle's named Jeff showed up, then we were off to a coffee shop further down the street. This is a woman's shelter we walked by:
This place had been recommended by a coffee snob, and I could see why...
Not only did the place roast their own beans right there, they had a clover machine (Josef you would appreciate here :p), and no flavour syrups (might ruin the taste?!). The symbol for their shop also looked vaguely communist (which I found funny).
It was here that I SLOWLY drank a latte (and ate a probiotic pill of course) and we waited for another couple people to meet us there. After interpreting paintings on the wall, the five of us then went back to the park and proceeded to play on the kid's playground! It was awesome, I was in leggings so I was able to be a total monkey :D
We hooped for a short time again, I was so happy to be able to be in a short sleeved dress in the night playing on a jungle gym, swings, etc.
All of us took a trolley back down Market after getting lots of sand in my shoes. We met another two people (we snowballed the whole day!!) at a bar not toooo far from the hostel, had one beer. The ATM told me I had an incorrect balance at first, and I nearly had a heart attack. After being reassured by my wonderful mother the one beer felt much nicer. Noelle and I went back to the hostel after this, to discover that we had been out doing stuff since 1 or so, and it was already almost midnight! It was a full day :)
I finished the evening with Kill Bill 2 and promptly fell asleep.
It's kinda cold in here, I'm going to go put pants on instead of a skirt..
1 comment:
We love the pictures and your commentary...:)++, love you!
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