not that one, I just thought that was kinda funny.
The bus was an hour late, plus once again I had arrived early. It gave me a chance to start that book.
the border was hell as usual.
I was confident at first because I had a reason to come, a set amount of days that I was to stay, and a place ticket proving I was leaving.
Only problem was, that ticket was not on paper. The bus ticket was not was well. I had a confirmation code that the bus driver checked off from his paper - the border guy started getting pissy right away because it wasn't a ticket.
Next was the fact that my airline ticket was not on me. This is where it all started to fall apart for me - I realized I was once again entering with no proof of me leaving, and once again they were starting to get really pissed off. Of course printing the ticket seemed like it would be such a waste considering it was a fucking paperless ticket, and the ONLY TIME I WOULD EVER NEED ANY OF MY SHIT ON PAPER AT THIS POINT IS WHEN I AM DEALING WITH THE FUCKING BORDER.
Grrrrrrr. So I explained I could show him the ticket if I went online, and he said "oh well you can't use the internet here. You're not here to use our internet" (NO SHIT REALLY)! So I'm sent back to the wait bench and I realize that the bus outside the door is giving me a really good wifi signal. I was actually able to retrieve my online ticket, prance up, show them, then they were all kind of nice. He warned me that he would have sent me back to Canada without the ticket, and I said "well that was close then". Luckily some swiss guy had been given a hard time too so everyone on the bus wasn't just waiting for me... he was getting his stuff checked when I got through the first part.
The bus was pleasant - definitely recommend Megabus in the eastern US. I was able to sleep, etc, and the next thing I knew it was NYC!!!!
We arrived somewhere in between 11:45 - 12:15... I knew my way though, and got back to Elliot's by 1. There was a South African guy there named Nic. We all chatted but they were both tired so we all shut the place down.
My first day back was fairly uneventful. I slept in a ton, and did some stuff on the computer for most of the day. Nic also did this... until I found out there was a couch surfing meeting type thing in Brooklyn and for an hour and a half they were giving out free beer!
FREE BEER! So we ordered pizza and left. Elliot was going to be working and doing skydiving stuff until really late, so he didn't make it out. We ended up there until maybe 1 or 2 or something - caught a cab back but the driver didn't know Brooklyn, he was from the Bronx. I recognized some streets though so we got back without any wrong turns. I was feeling pretty pro on being able to (sort of) direct someone back to somewhere I hadn't been for a month and a half or something.
I <3 NYC.
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