So on the Friday, there was "Earth Fair 20009". Sounded interesting. I like the Earth. I wasn't sure what they were going to show, but it could be cool and I wanted to support it... So woke up, got ready, and went to Earth Fair solo. Elliot was at work, and Nic was super hung over.
There were a bunch of stalls in Grand Central station, lots of people trying to give everyone cards or brochures etc. For an Earth Fair they were wasting an incredible amount of paper and such. I got a free reusable bag from some crazy enthusiastic Asian people convinced that becoming vegan was the solution to global warming. That was cool. I also got some lettuce seeds, a refillable marker made from 50% recycled plastic, organic hand creme, and a cycling route map of NYC, which I though was the most valuable since I could leave it at Elliot's for other Couchsurfers to use!
I am really starting to appreciate biking: looking forward to Holland!
So I am walking and walking; the thing was indoors and outdoors. Luckily, it was close to that Bryant Park, so I bought some food (including a cinnamon roll for a homeless girl outside McDonald's that looked SO FAMILIAR and was drawing; definitely not on crack) and went to the park. It was sunny, and very very warm. As in over 20 degrees, probably was about 25. I lay in the park with my new things. I lay there for a while, jumping between writing, enjoying the sun on my face, and taking a few pictures. I made a list of things to do before leaving the continent.
As the sun started to hide behind a building, everyone was moving into a smaller patch of sunny grass. It was funny - we were all shifting closer and closer like we were all addicted to the light... Elliot met up with me just as the sun was leaving the park, so he joined me as I printed out my new Eurostar ticket at Kinko's. I was at Kinko's for the third day in a row - made me think of Mitch Hedberg. The idea of a 24 copying store is now justified (at least in New York) haha.
I was gong to see Ana Sia tonight! I was super excited! The whole show was going to be good - Sub Swara, the Glitch Mob, and Ana Sia. I had to get back to get ready, so we headed back (can't remember what I did for food) then later I took off to find this venue in the Noho area.
It was easy to find - there was a huge line. I was arriving 20-30 minutes after the doors opened, but there was still people everywhere. I had a will call, so I ended up getting in right away though :)
I love skipping lines even when I'm not important haha. The show started slowish, but someone had brought a small glow hoop, so I got to play a little while there was room. The place ended up packed though, and I was informed that it would be going till 5am. Ana was originally going to be second, but she was pushed to 3:30-5. I was told that this was because she has a chiller set than glitch mob, and the Californians would stay up later (they are on Californian time anyways). I was slightly peeved, but the glitch mob played the best set I've seen out of them, and I still caught an hour of Ana, so II was happy. I met a lot of people at that show, but of course I'll probably never see them again.
I decided that it was time at about 4:30am. I was exhausted. I had been totally sober the whole night, drinking only water, so I was feeling the tiredness in my legs and my brain. I started walking back to the subway. When less and less people were in the street, suddenly I became aware of the fact that I was walking in an unfamiliar part of New York (I knew where to go though) at a strange hour. It felt odd. I got into the delapitaded subway station and saw only three people while I waited... but then the subway came
By now it was probably ten to five....
And the subway was FULL of people!
My jaw dropped as the subway went past. ALL the sections had people in them, and not just two or three, but a bunch of people... almost all of them looked asleep too. Tons of heads were bobbing side to side in a half-sleeping state as it stopped at the station. I got on and realized that being a city that never slept kind of made it safer. I mean, I was on a subway car full of people looking very very tired. I couldn't help but wonder what the hell all these people were doing, where they were going.
No one really looked like they had been out partying all night, but I guess it's hard to tell that. Maybe they worked odd jobs? Construction? Shitty commute? What the fuck?!
It was starting to get light as I walked back to the house. There was an extremely tired girl that was so out of it she forgot how to get out of the subway station. I made sure she was okay then I was on my way. I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow.
Saturday was my last full day in New York. I had done a lot of things on my list, but laundry I had put off, as well as buying a patch and finding stamps.
It was bloody hot out. another 25 degree day or so. It was ridiculous! I went to the laundromat sweating. I brought a book to pass the time. There was a dirty dating tv show on though that kept ditracting me. It was on BET channel, and the guy's version of a date was getting the girl in her underwear in the shower and making out with her. WTF.
My clothes were not dry after 40 minutes on low heat (I wasn't sure how hot high heat would be...) so I brought them back clammy (I was impatient!) and hung them up on my hula hoops and various doors thoughout the house. There were 2 cats in the house, so they had to be up high. I would have used my mini clothes line in the bathroom, but it smelt like kitty litter in there and I didn't want my clothes to smell like kitty litter...
By then it was late afternoon early evening. I still wanted to try and find a patch in chiinatown, but I was freaked things were going to be closed. I got there and boy was I wrong!
Everything was open, sun still shining, it was still summer-hot out, and it was super busy. Nic and Elliot were right, there were a million cheesy tourist stores there! I found a patch my number 5, plus a couple other things.
I wandered around Chinatown, which was surprisingly cool. Usually I found one to be the exact same as the other, and after San Fran's all of them seemed small. This one was not... the buildings were somehow different, but not in a Chinese way. I don't know what it was. I had an ice cream and walked around. Tried some clothes on, found Little Italy by accident, which was also beautiful. People dressed up, patios EVERYWHERE with people eating pasta and speaking Italian. There were even Italy coloured christmas lights lining the streets.
I was contemplating an I <3 NY shirt, but I didn't want people thinking I was American on the road so I opted out.
ERIN! DO YOU REMEMBER THESE! This brought back memories...
By the time I got home it was kinda late. I didn't feel like going out, so I started organizing my bag and sewed on three patches. One from Toronto, one from Niagara, one from New York.
Tomorrow evening I was going to leave the continent.
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