Thursday was such a full day!
I was really happy Stacey was there! We got up and decided to go explore together. It was a nice sunny day out, so we walked around. I checked if my Visa had come in, but it hadn't. We went looking in this crazy second hand store, went to a concert venue so I could buy a ticket to a punk show that night, then went out to see the biodome! The Biodome was so rad - I took so many photos:
This bird was so chill!
Look a Capybara Erin! Remember these from the Amazon Trail?
and scarlet macaws...
notice the turtle friend!
there were bats in here
there were so many animals :)
After that adventure, we took the Metro back, and walked around randomly. We ended up checking out the gay part of the city, then walked back up a different street and found some other interesting buildings/areas. We ended up seeing a big fence with what looked to be a big patio behind it hiding downtown. We went to investigate. It turned out to be one of the biggest beer patios in Montreal (we didn't know this at the time - totally random) and it was PACKED.
I assume since the weather was getting a bit nicer, EVERYONE and their dog wanted to be out in the sun drinking beer in light sweaters instead of giant winter coats.
We get a drink, but then I realize that I have to go to a massage at seven!
To explain more thoroughly: I had ended up talking to someone online from McGill who really wanted a massage.. and we had worked out a trade. He was a student music teacher, so we traded massage for music lessons! I was supposed to be there at seven ish, so I had to down my drink and run.
Stacey was still wanting to explore some more, so I ran away up St Denis. I was hoping there would be a bus, but I didn't see one until I had already gone most of the way. My knee was NOT HAPPY.
I could barely make it up the stairs without yelling out, but of course it was find when I left. Grrrr..
The massage went well. Rob is a chill person, we sat and drank tea and chatted before the treatment, and made an appointment for my music lessons afterwards :)
Marco texted to tell me I was late for the punk show! I didn't think so, but I walked faster anyways. I got there and the venue was HUGE (well a lot bigger than it looked from the outside). There was no way I'd find anyone.
Luckily, I texted and found people up on the balcony on the very first row! I started drinking, and ended up going back and forth between the good viewing and being in the center of the chaos.
I had not been in a mosh pit in a long time, but I had also not been to a punk show in a long time, and they are friendlier than other pits. It was so much fun! Such high energy; I broke one of my earrings from New Orleans in three places, so it looked like a claw instead of a spiral. I also had a sore spot on my face for a week. I was pleased.
There is something satisfying about jumping in there and getting mildly injured while dancing and hopping about to fast music. You really get into the music, and you get into the show. I had forgotten.
There was a guy in a wheelchair that got to crowdsurf - I tried to take a picture while everyone was cheering him:
We ended up walking about after the show ended. I went to visit Brittany down the street. I knew Brittany from Vancouver, but I didn't know she was living here again until the day before. She told me to go to the punk show, but I didn't see her there (too big) and now I wanted to find her,
Turns out she worked with her fiance down the street at a tattoo shop! I went there, drank beers at the shop, then went to Foufounes. She had just landed a job there - something hard to do apparently. So we got in for free, and ended up getting free drinks too :)
When that closed, I met up with Marco and Francis (met him at the punk show) and we headed back up to the house via cab. The three of us ended up ordering this crappy poutine and I watched them play a zombie game while waiting for food, I didn't realize it was 5am at first, but once I did I lay down and fell asleep on the corner of the bed!
On Friday I woke up and was supposed to get to an interview for another research study by one o clock. That did not happen. I was too hung over. I took my time getting ready, so by the time I was done I was a new person!
My Visa had arrived, so I went to get that. While I was out, I walked around a shopped a little. I didn't buy anything, but it was fun. It got too cold though....
Amy (another girl from Vancouver) was having a house warming potluck that night. Angela and I decided to go to this together, so we met up at the liquor store, and went to check it out. The house had more decorations since last time :)
There was some fantastic food there, and once people started playing cranium things got more relaxed. Angela and I ended up staying there until maybe 2 or so? Things started dying down (it wasn't a party, it was more like a get together) so we went to Angela's house and hung out for a while.
Marco called and said he was in the city with a very drunk friend if I needed a ride home. Angela and I were not done hanging out yet though, so she came with us. While we were outside waiting in the wrong place for the car, some weird guy talked to angela and I and then one of his friends walked over and started petting Angela like a cat, only half on the face.
They kept asking us if we were witches.
It was the strangest thing; we were kind of grossed out. I was SO CLOSE to kicking him in the balls - I was drunk enough that I would have done it if I wasn't so perplexed by the petting) and Angela was very calm (confused as well) and just kept telling him to stop touching her. Poor Angela.
Well after that we found the car, and we all had a mini party back at the house. Alex had people over as well, so there was a bunch of us! Somehow, Stacey slept though the whole thing! I don't know how she did that. There were people smoking out the window right beside her, people turning on the lights, music... she was dead to everything.
I stayed up fairly late again, Angela had been sharing gin and both of us got tired at the sae time... so then there was sleep.
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