On Monday, I woke up and realized I needed a haircut. I got an appointment for the next day! The girl that had trimmed my bangs did not trim them enough, so I went to a different school that ended up being cheaper AND had better reviews. It was a funky place, and the stylist was good :) I was so pleased that later on in the day I took pictures of my hair on the webcam built into this. I should use it more!
Sooo that appointment was 1230, and I had another at McGill at 3:00. I walked all the way down to McGill, but I was still there an hour early or so. I don't know if I mentioned this before on here, but ever since that one night of hardcore hula hooping my left knee has been acting up. An outer tendon or ligament was getting really really painful if I walked around for too long. If I gave it a rest it would help, and in the mornings I wouldn't feel it for up to a half hour later (unless I had been walking a lot the night before...) which to me spells.....
The hour sitting on a table reading and watching students come and go by the elevators actually ended up being a welcome and good thing! The study itself was quick - I just pushed some buttons on a computer in response to pictures - and they gave me ten bucks. Yay! That means so far I've made 20 dollars here.
I decided that it was going to be too much for my knee to walk up the hill all the way back to the plateau, so I walked/hobbled to the Metro instead.
Marco and I had a Documentary-fest that night. There were a bunch on volcanoes, and one on sharks. The volcanoes series was interesting, but the one that really stuck out was Sharkwater. It was a cheesy name, and started off cheesy as well, but it turned into the opposite! It got into the shark finning industry, government corruption, and it had scenes where the filmers were escaping central america by boat being chased by the coast guard with machine guns! I recommend it!
I recieved some very good news about taxes on Tuesday too :)
On Wednesday, I met Renaud for coffee. I had not seen Renaud for years - he had disappeared (ie. worked a lot and got engaged) even before leaving Vancouver for Montreal. So after two years I got to share a hot drink and catch up with Renaud. He showed me this rad little bistro place with organic food and homeade chai. He had to go to school though, so the meeting was only a couple hours.
I went back and prepared to mail things home. A new Couchsurfer was arriving today! I had been the only one so far in the week or so that I'd been staying there, but that was about to change (for pretty much the rest of the time). Marco and Alex were both going to be at school possibly, so I tried to get back in time. I managed to get to the post office and mail my stuff before anyone was back. Marco arrived and then the couchsurfer. Her name's Stacey, and she was from Florida.
I got along with stacey instantly! I liked her. She arrived as I was getting really hungry, so the two of us went out for dinner! We went to the place with the shark coming out of the roof (I was curious - plus the shark movie had me thinking of this place). It turned out to be a fake mexican restaurant. I say fake because I had a burger lol. It was good though!
We got beer on the way back, and had one or two while watching Trainspotting. Both Marco and Stacey hadn't seen it, but both had heard of it. I said it was good, but felt bad afterward since I didn't think about the accents. If English is not your first language, it would be so hard to understand what the crap people are saying in that movie. Especially if you aren't used to thick scottish accents. Marco fell asleep.
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