I had a little headache.
I looked for easy ways to make some cash on craigslist, knitted, layed around... in the evening the Contemporary Art Museum has a free night.
Pablo, Tim, and I went to free night! I looked around, they looked at art magazines that normally would cost lots of money. Other than the fact that I was staring at brightly painted circles/targets/monoliths with a headache it was quite nice :)
We came back and watched OZ (the prison show). I met the other roomate finally!
The next day I decided to be a little more productive! I went to look for a few massage schools to check out for cheap massage, and also to look if they posted jobs at the school or something.
I searched, but found one out of three sucessfully. I had drawn dots onto a map to show where they were, but didn't write down addresses. lesson learned. The one place looked nice, but they asked me instantly if I knew French. Not a good sign. I had a really nice walk around looking for the massage places though... explored a new part of Montreal! Plus it was so sunny and beautiful! I got another french tape under my belt while walking.
I went downtown to look at a few other things, continued my walk-a-thon. I gave in and ordered a code for my other phone, because the other one wasn't working... I was getting way too impatient. Parts are a bit spotty, but I know I ended the night watching the rest of season 2 of Deadwood.
The next day I wrote down the addresses. I found the first one right away (I had walked by it somehow the day before). I got a massage! It was fantastic. Amy got a hold of me, so after the massage I showed up at her house - we met with another of Amy's friends and we all went to a happy hour :)
This place played good music and served yummy drinks in giant mason jars. One will get you tipsy for sure - we all had one then shared another... we were definitely feeling it. We decided to go up to the top of Mont Royal to look at the city lit up at night!
After a stop for to-go beers, we took a bus to the top of the mountain. It was so Beautiful! I tried to take some pictures but they do not give it justice.
We had an interesting time getting down! It was dark and snowy and sometimes kinda steep - with lots of pure ice. We slipped, skidded and slid and somehow did not die going down the side of the thing! It was tons of fun going from tree to tree, sometimes going down on our butts.
The girls were getting tired so they went home, but I was super awake! I met up with Angela a few minutes after Amy and Shareen took off. I ordered donuts in French while I waited - no english at all! I was so proud!
Angela and I went to foufounes for one drink. We were not really feeling it so much tonight - the music wasn't that great, and it wasn't as interesting. Sooo we tried a punk bar. There was a punk show! It was free! The two of us stayed here till the show was over. I ran into someone I had met on St. Patty's at foufounes... it was so weird! We ended up taking a taxi back to East Island and hung out there till way too late.
The next morning was rough at first. I was really hung over until I went outside. It was sunny and beautiful again! I was in a quaint quiet part of town. There was a park right there on the water, so got to sit on a park bench in the sun and fresh air looking at the river :)
To give a little background, the farther east you go in Montreal the more Franco it gets, the farther West gets more Anglo.
After I rested on the bench a bit, I was fine to get back. I rested a little more when I got back to the Plateau. There was a DJ show in the night - so I wanted to be fresh and ready! I got myself ready, talked to Angela, had a nap... people came over and to be honest I didn't really care for a few of them (the other aussie is really nice tho). I was pleased to be leaving to go dancing...
And dance I did! Brought a hoop too!
In fact, after meeting Nathalie and her boy... and dancing sans circle for a bit... the hoops came out! Hoopdance!
Her teacher Rebecca came out with her hoop too, so we had a section taken over to the right of the stage.
When this was just not possible (some guy kept complaining we were too close to the VIP entrance) we moved closer to the back of the building (it was HUGE and took over a large area! There were 5 hoops there total - three of us - so there were strangers trying it out CONSTANTLY! It was a huge hoop party! I hooped it up hardcore! Hours later and many water bottles later, I was exhausted. Nathalie left, then around 230 Becca and I got poutine with someone else.
Walking up the hill bright eyed, sober, and happy... I walked straight into Pablo and Tim at an intersection! It was so weird! They were getting Tim's bike. We walked back together, and ate dolche de leche.
People were awake and slightly drunk at the house. The annoying people had left, and Brittney and Kyle were talking about getting up early for the St. Patty's day parade on Sunday (which was the next morning)! Kyle wanted to get up at 10am to start drinking to be drunk for the parade. I said that was crazy. I was not going to sacrifice my 8 hours of sleep if I was to be drunk all day the next day. On that note, I went to bed lol.
mmmmmm dolche de leche.
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