Tuesday, March 17, 2009

First day back in Canada

Oddly I felt I was in a more foreign place than when I was out of the country. Weird.

My first few experiences were kind of intimidating. I got off the train, and knew the metro was very proximal. However, there were no signs, so I went off towards a building labeled bonadventure - the name of the metro stop I was told to hop onto. There was no clear way in though that looked open.

I walked by a Tim Horton's right away and laughed to myself... Oh Canada! I'm home!

A guy walked by me holding a Timmy's cup, and started talking to me in French. This was my first "oh shit" experience. I was caught so off guard that I couldn't even remember how to say "parlez-vous anglais?". I just looked at him with a deer in headlights type look.

So we started talking in English. Hahaha. He showed me where to go.

The dude at the subway did the same thing. He let me on for free on account of me not understanding what was going on. Apparently weekly passes don't just go for any seven days. They only start on Mondays, and it was Sunday night.

I got off the Metro at the right stop, and realized that I had saved the address of my Couchsurfing host on a phone that was now DEAD. Great. So I decided an internet cafe is essential.

Magically, there is one right across the street from the Metro station - free wifi and a cafe au lait later, I have the address and I'm in no hurry. I get in at ten, and I am introduced to Tim and Roomates!

Turns out one of the roomates is from Grande Prarie. Crazy. I told her I used to date someone from there. Her boyfriend is from Delta! He actually knew where Langley was! It was all very nifty. Another roomate, Pablo, is from here. Tim's an Aussie.

We stayed up for a little while chatting around the kitchen table eating oreo's, before I decided I'd had a long day on the train. I needed Sleeeeeeeeppppp!!!

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