okay, so I left off Saturday night. I woke up on Sunday at around noon, my usual time, and headed down to the parade! Kyle, Brittany, and friends were already down there (as previously mentioned, they intended to start drinking at ten or so). Surprisingly, I found them very easily! Beer was opened. Beer was consumed... yelling commenced..
even though I was relatively drunk, seeing this parade after Mardi Gras was... cute. It was on such a smaller scale than what I was used to! There were fire trucks and people walking around, random cars... The few floats there were didn't throw anything but it was still entertaining to yell at things. I could even run across the parade to use a pub bathroom on the other side. Here are some photos:
yep. Those two painted guys were not even in the parade... they just were like that when we saw them lol.
After the parade we walked down St. Cathrines and found a sketchy dive bar. There was someone in there with one leg. The jukebox worked! We made use of this!
We decided on food on the way up, so we stopped at Frite Alors. Next up was the grocery store (btw Quebec sells beer in the grocery store just like most of the the States does!) and then the house. Here we had a little youtube party! We watched Australian comedy shows, and stuff like that.
I GOT MY PHONE THAT NIGHT!!!! HOW EXCITING IS THAT!!!! I was so happy. I had to look everywhere for about twenty minutes to find the bloody SIM card I had bought though - that was a scary moment!
I went to bed very happy about my phone, and excited about moving into a new house! :)
Turns out the house I was switching two was a whopping two blocks away. They are short blocks at that! I didn't have to be there until after seven so I slept in, bought groceries, and did some dishes. While I was out grocery shopping I went clothes shopping a bit too... I bought a pair of pants (one pair is not enough in cold weather!) and two shirts. I bought a necklace but it seems to have broken already: Gotta fix that. I was able to fit everything into my pack still, so that was encouraging...
I ate dinner and took off for the new house! I found it, but no one was home yet. I read my book in a subway sandwich store across the street, and then when I was sick of reading I arrived and people were home :)
This place was so much better than the last! It was super clean, big couch, projector for movies, constant fast wireless internet, and a cute pet rat! Two brothers live here Marco (the person I had talked to via couchsurfing) and his brother Alex. Marco is in school for enginieering and works for the movie theatre. Alex is in school for fashion design and works at an ice cream store. Oh yes the freezer has like 10 different kinds of ice cream haha. Both brothers are super chill - I knew I was going to like it here when they asked me if I wanted to watch Robot Chicken with them on my first night. Oh yes my couch also turns into a bedddddddd.
I was informed that a girl had been filming them for a documentary on couchsurfing, and would like to film surfers the next day. I of course said yes!
so the next day I got up, and went to do a computer study thing at McGill. I found the building no problem, answered random questions, and got ten bucks for it. Wahoo! So on my way back I tried to maneuver as much as possible underground. There are so many malls downtown. I am not used to malls. I got lost. I ended up using my ten dollars to get lunch from the food court while lost. I found a metro eventually though, and I was off!
When I came back, the girl shooting the documentary came over and filmed me on the couch. We tried to film me doing laundry but the stupid washer was in use (its a shared apartment washer/dryer type deal).
Post filming, I remember watching South Park for ages while doing stuff on the computer. I think I was up kinda late doing that...
The next day was a craft supplies hunt! I decided I wanted to make some earrings, so Alex and I went out. It was SO NICE OUT! He helped me find a bead store - I bought some stuff for making earrings, and decided that I had to spend as much time outside as possible while it was so sunny. I dropped off my stuff, Alex went to work, and I brought my french tapes and my hula hoops to the park.
The ground was wayyyy too mushy to do anything interesting with the hula's, plus it was not warm enough to be without ANY coat... so I mostly listened to the tapes repeating stuff while just hooping around the waist. I came back from the park after this and decided to go down to a fair trade coffee shop named Pi on St. Laurant. I read for a while, enjoyed my drink, then stopped by the grocery store on the way back.
I bought brownie mix on a whim.
When I got home, Alex was home from work already and funnily enough had brought chocolate home from work!
speaking of chocolate, It's time to eat.
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