He talked to us for a little while, and it turned out the tour was leaving in 20 minutes or so... We were offered discounts so we took both brochures and decided on Connemara. I was planning to see both at some point so it didn't matter to me :)
The driver/tour guide was excellent - after passing by the kayak polo...
His first food and toilet stop was a Costcutters! Just your general convenience/grocery store, so right away I was impressed! I grabbed a latte and away we went:
here I am! the black sheep of the family!
The Abbey: we had lunch here from the Costcutters :)
The tour was fantastic - I am in a lot more shots here because I was with Sa and Jana - they are a lot of fun :) We got back an hour later than scheduled since nobody on the bus had to catch a train or flight, so that was also very cool.
It was a cooker that day, so we walked around the city after. They had not seen the festivities at the docks yet, so we went and checked them out. Here is the route the boats were taking:
After walking around, we still had time before the big dinner at Zool's. We went to the trusty off license by the Spanish Arches and decided to snack and have a beer. I think everyone else in Galway had the same idea as us, because again this area was packed! I took a picture of across from us by the arches (we usually hung out on the grass peninnsula thing in the middle which is just as busy if not more so) to give you an idea. The city was so alive!
The dinner at Zool's was amazing yet again! There was soooo much Malaysian yummyness that we couldn't finish it all. We all stuffed ourselves to the point where you want to undo a button... I was happy to be in stretchy clothes haha.
We hung out there for a while again, then Zool offered to give us a ride back which was very nice! I was still awake though, so I was dropped off directly on the way to the house to visit Gwilym, the person I'd met on the balcony next door to Zool. We hung out with his friend for a while, then another person came over... turns out they were working on the races which was cool... but then I started falling asleep. Gwilym offered me a spare bedroom and I took it. It was very comfy :)
The next day I was not able to get to Aran Islands because I was up late and didn't stay at the house! I walked home around noon-ish expecting the girls to be gone, but it turns out they slept in too! We all shared the spare room at this point, so we all got ready and went out into the city to look at a few things. They needed to get things organized for leaving soon, so we went to find a luggage storage place etc. We found something, ended up looking in a few shops, walked around, and I think we ended up meeting up Zool and his friend for ice cream near Eyre Square. I was deciding between going to the cliffs of Moher or Aran Islands the next day.
Can't really remember what I did for the evening, probably watched a movie or something.
So I guess we chilled out, and went to bed at a normal type time to get up for the touurrrsss!