It was a 20 minute stop, so I walked around with my backpack. I had wanted ice cream the day previous on the tour, but had no change to afford one. Now, I saw another ice cream sign and went in to satisfy. I had paid, and it started, but the machine blew up and spurted ice cream on the girl, so she gave me my money back I was once again without ice cream. Apparently I was not supposed to have it yet.
Just as an aside here, I am pissy right now because I lost a cool hair thing I'd bought here just a couple days ago in London juuust now, and it's driving me mad. So this might come out as a bit more of a negative post since I can't stop thinking about that damn hair thing!!! It was my fist time wearing it out :(
ahem so anyway I walked around Limerick and it looked a bit rough. I ran into some people from the hostel which is cool! They were also waiting for a bus connection. I went back and eventually I was in Galway!
The bus station there is right next to Eyre Square, so that was cool to see. Some people were blowing up a big green dragon in the grass, so I got a bite to eat, texted Chee, and ate while I watched the dragon come to life.
Turns out my phone was not sending texts! Kind of frustrating since that's all I really did on the thing, and I wasn't sure when exactly it stopped working...
I phoned though, got directions, and started walking in what I though was the right direction. Of course it wasn't. After a while I was still walking and Chee called to see what was going on. I tried to describe where I was but I wasn't doing a very good job.... a guy on a bicycle stopped and asked if I was lost, talked to Chee on the phone for me, and they came to get me.
Turns out the guy on the bike was from Prince George! WTF! Small world eh! That was pretty cool!
I also got my ice cream on the journey, which is why I think I walked for that long in the crazy heat with that backpack without dying of heat exhaustion!
Chee came and picked me up, and I was shown the house! People were moving so it was chaotic, one room was full of boxes, but there was still plenty of space. I met roommates and friends immediately :) One invited us to dinner that evening, so that was really nice!
After settling into the house for a bit, Chee and I walked into town. This was partially to show me how to get into town properly so I didn't get lost again haha!
Galway is beautiful! I immediately really really liked it there - the outdoor patios, the pedestrian streets, the canals and water everywhere, the music, people selling stuff on the streets... very cool place.
We found the two other girls that were surfing at the house too at a pub, so we said hi for a bit before walking to Spanish Arches and drinking a beer sitting by the canal.
After enjoying the arches, we walked to Zool's for dinner! It was fantastic! The two American girls showed up there soon enough, and we all hung out at the apartment for the rest of the evening. Eventually it was time to go back, so we all walked back to Chee's. It was a bit chilly, but it was nice. I fell asleep full and stoked to see Galway some more :)
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