I decided it would be more scenic if I walked along the canal once I was close to the city (and armed with a map now haha) so that's what I did:
I ended up having even more ice cream... and walked over to the docks where the Ocean Races Festivities were all set up! It was massive, although you can't really tell by the pictures there were tents everywhere, boats, beer gardens, everything!
I went into that dome thing in the last picture, and it showed a movie about what the ocean race was.
I had no idea, but the Volvo Ocean Race is really hardcore! Seven boats racing literally around the world, and this year Galway was picked as a stop! The boats stop for two weeks or something in between each leg, and they had come in from Boston. I was impressed - this was way more cool than your average boat race (which is what I though it was at first).
For future reference, the green dragon was the Irish team in the races, so there was lots of paraphernalia floating around, including that giant inflatable one.
Speaking of that thing, I ended up wandering after this to Eyre Square, where I sat down and ate some food I think. I remember sitting there and then this street acrobatics performance started, so I went over and watched some of it.
I had my hula hoops collapsed on my person, so I hoped they didn't recognize what they were...
Luckily they didn't and I escaped. I met up with Chee and friends at Spanish Arches after getting some beer at the off licencse. The hula hoops came out! It was fun! The arches were PACKED!
Finding places to urinate was proving to be an adventure. This is the problem with drinking in the outdoors when there is lots of people around and no bushes to hide in.
Eventually, the hoops were collapsed and we went to a bar. Chee showed us some rad puzzle tricks that I really wish I remembered (like how do you make this into this with one line type of things)...
Then we were off to more pubs!
This turned into an epic night. We walked back towards Chee's house, when I found a shopping cart half off the sidewalk.
I picked it up and started pushing it. The others were confused at first, but once we put Chee in it the shopping cart's full potential really started to show. I am such a good influence on people mwahaha.
you can see he was carrying my hoops for me! So nice!
We got back and started trying to play pool. This was a fail. I found a silly hat and we took a picture of this!
I was happy! But kind of drunk so we ended up trying to watch this horror movie. I started falling asleeeeep so I went upstairs to bed.
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