I tried to leave the house to get pizza at one point, but I barely made it and had to dry heave in the bathroom for a while as we waited. I watched a lot of shows on the internet, had a lovely bath with candles and Jacques Brel!! I was finally able to eat by the evening, and once I was okay again I was convinced to come for a walk outside at night.
It ended up being a lengthy walk... over an hour! It was very pretty, and I was happy that I still got a decent amount of fresh air before going back to sleep :)
The next day was dark and overcast. I was supposed to take a train to Slovenia yesterday, but I was way to hung over. Feeling better now, it was travel day! I took a bus down to the city center and found all the train times. I had a bit of time, so I put my bag in a locker and wandered for a bit in the day
it started to rain though, so I went back after buying some craft supplies and got on the train. A few hours later I was in Slovenia :) My host came and picked me up, and we went to a bar. After having a drink, we went to meet up with a Spanish family that was also staying with him until the next morning to walk around the city.
He gave us a very impressive tour of the city center! Andrej knew a lot of history, and was fairly up to date on current stuff that was going on as well. We were walking for a decent amount of time, until it was time for the family to go and get their car, and Andrej and I went back to the bar. It was dead, so we went to a place called Metelkova where my friends from Belgium were also going to be!
This place was living art. I loved it - lots of graffiti, art, bars, crazy people, structures, etc. It's hard to describe, but it's cool. We were there for a while; I met up with Nico and Chris and partied it up until Andrej and I drove back to the house in the countryside for a few hours of sleep. Floh had started hitchhiking down but had gotten stuck, so had taken a train and was due to arrive at 6 something am... so we were going to be up early! It was so nice of Andrej to offer to come back to pick him up!
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