My bladder was not happy. AGAIN! I thought maybe it was the beers that I had - I couldn't think of why this was happening! My sore throat thing was progressing to something more too, so it was a double sick whammmooo.
I was not happy. I was in fact stuck going to the toilet every few minutes. Ugh. This went on for several hours while I guzzled water and tried to flush it out. It seemed to work.
I figured I was well enough to go into the city. I bought 1.5 Litres of water on the way, but I didn't realize it would be bubbly and it exploded at first. Stupid fizzy water! Ah well at least I didn't have to pee the whole walk into town!
I made it into the city center and I was doing okay! Took some photos:
It was nice to see the city in the daytime too... Plus there is a story behind the gnomes; they appeared in 2005 (according to the internet) and are associated with the peaceful protests that went on against communism back in the 80's by a group called the Orange Alternative Movement.
They are scattered everywhere, so I was walking around and sometimes I'd stumble across one of these guys - made walking around the city more of an adventure, which was very welcome since I've already walked around so many cities at this point!
The guy looking at Lego was also a high point. I was walking down the street and this guy in a fancy suit started walking in front of me. It was by far the fanciest suit I had seen so far in this town, and he looked very business-like on his cell phone etc. He crossed the street, and ended up staring at the window of the LEGO store for quite a while - really cracked me up! I was so happy to see this I took a picture of him :)
Soooo I had some ice cream, sat and ate it, and eventually it was time to go to a BBQ put on my Ali's co workers. All the people except us were going to be Polish at this BBQ, so I was interested to meet everyone. I was a little late getting on the tram with Ali, but we still made it pretty early.
We chatted, cooked food, etc. I was starting to feel really tired though, and after having only half a beer I was peeing (not an extreme amount but more than I should) so I opted to not go out after this BBQ and we shared a cab home with 2 other people. I was starting to feel like I was going to be fairly sick :s
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