Floh came and met me there, and then Jonas came for key exchange. I can't remember how exactly it worked, but I ended up dropping my stuff off at Floh's and then Adam and Falc were at the place and we all hung out for a while. Eventually everyone stayed over at Floh's :)
I had found a rideshare out to Poland for the next day! I was recommended to go to Wroclaw, so I found a host and a ride on Mitfahrgelegenheit leaving in the evening.
I hadn't really unpacked much, so it was fast to get my stuff together. Floh came with me to the meeting point, and it's a good thing too because they were 20 minutes late so I would have been bored (I have no books left) :)
The trip there was not very far at all... so it was still daylight when I arrived!
The driver was really nice, and even dropped me close to where I was staying :) I found my host, and we went back to drop off my stuff. I started much-needed laundry. We also took photos of the Polish version of the Trabi, the Maluch.
That evening we took the tram into the city center. I was surprised at how different it was from the outskirts! The outer areas are much more communist style, but the center has some really pretty buildings and squares. We had a few beers outside in the square, and eventually walked home. I slept well.
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