Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Back in Berlin!

Okay so morning finally came and we were able to buy our tickets back to Berlin on an express 6 hour train. We got on this train, which was a much more pleasant experience than my bladder experience of returning like last time. Floh was going to go pick up his glasses vis the barely functioning S-bahn, so I was going to go to the house and try and clean up my mess a little before he got back. I got the keys and instructions on which bus to take.

I found the terminal fine, but didn't know which direction. As I typically do, I went the wrong way. For half and hour or more. I ended up in this random part of town I had luckily kind of been in before, and had to cross the street and catch another bus all the way back to the main station, then all the way to the U-bahn, and then to the house. Whoops.

As predicted, Floh had been home for half an hour already. I had the key to his room, so he had gone shopping and was cooking dinner when I arrived. I started cleaning/laundry.

Rene came over so Floh, Rene, new roommate guy from Florida, and I had a board game night. I had played this sucker before so this time I was ahead for a while, although Floh did end up winning (of course).

Sleep came very easily after the previous train station slumber party.

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