I woke up early as I was supposed to... I was partially packed already from the night before, minus the bag I left at Michel's of course. I arranged to meet him at his house on the way to the S-bahn, so I had my cereal and took off to Kreutzberg with Floh. I was catching a ride from a far away station, so Floh was coming with me only until Kreutzberg. We got my bag, and ended up being early to catch my train up to the meeting spot.
We walked and hung out in a park for a little while. I was tired and sore so I didn't want to walk far, but I felt too stupid to make hanging out in the park very entertaining. I was not feeling good in general - It was that feeling like you don't think you are showing your best side to someone. I hate that. I can't be interesting all the time, but back home I've known most of my friends for years and years... I know they've seen me at my best and worst and they are still there, so I don't worry about it so much. This retard Leanne moment was rather ill timed since it was probably the last time I'd see this person for quite a while; I was not what you would call happy.
I went to the station and had to spend about another hour waiting for the person to show up. There were three other girls going in this van. One was this fancy dressed up old woman with a rolling suitcase. The other two were younger and had their significant others waiting there with them making out most of the time. I was sitting there on the stairs alone not having the best of times. I fell asleep in the van and arrived in Munich in a sad mood. Tom was out at the river, but had left the keys hidden for me. I wasn't feeling like going over to meet people at the river, so I showered and went to bed early. I was ready to get pissed at Oktoberfest.
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