It was warm and sunny out!! The kiwi's and I decided to have a walk, eat Burek, and walk some more:
I love the way they have brightened up the otherwise dreary communist buildings! I don't know why everyone doesn't do this! It added such a personality to the city. Between the driving and the colours, Tirana definitely had it's own atmosphere. We walked all over the city - I went from end to end.
Turns out Mother Theresa is Albanian so they have a statue of her at the University:
After this marathon of walking, we went back to the house. The Kiwi's were leaving to a new house I believe, so they had to get their stuff and move it. They were going out to a cafe later that night, invited me to come out later with Olta. After they left and Olta came home, I hung out on the computer for a little while. Her family visited and her mom gave me pasta! Two French couchsurfers arrived at the house after, so I told everyone to come out to this cafe.
They were tired from traveling, but were willing to come out for one beer... I was feeling the same way and so was Olta. We left to find this cafe. We found it but it was on the second floor - not so good for Olta's wheelchair - but there was a downstairs patio area and it was warm. The Kiwi's had left already! Then I remembered that they were there since 6pm and we were getting there around 10pm.... whoops. My sense of time was not correct at all. But we all had a drink and chatted so it was still a good night. I came back tired from all the walking so it was easy to sleep :)
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