So I made it today.
There was a pony and a dog just chilling out
These two cats were super friendly!! I was petting one, then the other, then one was being pet by this other girl. We started talking while petting our respective cats. This is when we found out they were a couple (we figured brother sister since they looked so similar)! I was looking for the main post office, and she was going this way, so she walked me through the city giving me a mini tour :) It was really nice of her!
She left me at the post office after we figured out how to mail the postcards. I walked around some more, got coffee, and looked for a craft store... on the way I got this MASSIVE piece of pizza for next to nothing!
I didn't find it, and ended up in some part of town that was not in the center. I made my way back slowly with much use of the map, and made it to the city again
I was going to meet everyone to watch this movie presentation on extreme sports. As I was walking by, I saw something going on...
Once again I found a crazy Christmas celebration! More fire, more performance, and even fireworks! I gotta put the video up though (soon!)
I left to make it just in time. We got into the PACKED movie theatre (it was free and apparently popular) just in time to watch this amazing presentation. It was a German guy talking in English (I was sooooo relieved) about rock climbing, and ended up talking about expeditions and such. His presentation was seamless, entertaining, and really funny too! He was a natural public speaker, so we left really stoked on this person. He was talking the next night too so we made plans to be there earlier the next night to try and get a seat.
We went for drinks afterward at this little hidden illegal bar. They served homemade Rakia, which we drank by the fire. A girl I met at the tea house arrived, and we hung out for a while. There was talk of going to another bar, but it was a work night so we opted out. On the tram ride back, Tsvetan and I stopped for some drinks at another guy's house. His brother and fiance were up, so the five of us hung out drinking some more and listening to Reggae.
Eventually we called a cab and went back to the house. I ate some food and drank some water in a feeble attempt to skirt the saying "Wine and Liquor you'll never be sicker".
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