Dancing was on the menu for this Friday night, so we went out. Paolos was working, Sheri had a date I think, and Jen was in Canada, so it was Timur and I taking on Istanbul nightlife. We went out to a place that was supposed to have dubstep type music, but the DJ was not the best so we hung out upstairs. I learned how to count to ten in Turkish!!! Don't ask me to do it now though.
We went looking for a better place after this, and found one more suitable. It was way busier, and more rock type music. We had a good time at this place, but it closed I think. On the way back I was introduced to the best fast food invention ever: wetburgers. It's a burger thing covered in this sauce... it looks gross but it is SO GOOD!! It was an orgasm in my mouth man.
I woke up surprisingly okay. This was my last weekend before going home, so I wanted to see some new things. Timur and I went out walking and I got to see some new areas of town:
We had tea on the water, walked more, I was shown a mall full of bootlegged games and DVD's... then we went to this part of town where you buy these enormous baked potatoes and choose what stuff to put on them. We sat near the ferry terminal and watched people. Cats were trying to eat the potatoes! It was cute. Timur didn't think so though :p I couldn't finish mine so I gave the leftovers to the cat that seemed most attentive. While we were sitting there, two girls approached us. They asked for a photo so I got up to take one of their cameras...
... but they wanted a picture of us. That was strange. So we sat there. Then one girl took a photo of just me. Also strange. We tried to watch where they went next in case they were doing this to lots of people, but lost them in the sea of humans.
The bus back to the house was uphill and packed to the brim. One of Sheri's friends came over, and the Rubik's cube guy arrived after. We hung out at the house deciding on a place to go. Sheri was going to a birthday party so would possibly join later, but the rest of us were thinking of reggae or drum and bass. Unfortunately Rubik's cube guy couldn't find his wallet so we left a lot later than intended. We stopped by reggae on the way to Drum and Bass... but the D&B was not the speed I was looking for. The music was fine, but I wasn't feeling like dancing thaaat fast.
So we started walking to Reggae. Somehow Timur and I lost everyone though. Tried calling everyone including Sheri but to no avail. The reggae place was full and bumping though, so we hung out there anyway. We never saw the rest of the crew ,and I don't remember what the explanation was either. I had a good time though!
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