We were there for a decent amount of time - actually too much for our poor skin!
My skin had not seen that much sun in AGES. Plus I had not warmed up to it and I was not laying on my stomach at all cause of the tattoo... So I fried myself.
It's hard to burn me but the sun won on this day! It even burnt Nico and he is so dark he looks Spanish! I think it was the falling asleep that did it since we weren't moving at all for that long.
Oh well it was worth it!!
Brugge was directly on the way back to Brussels, so we got off here and walked around!
Brugge looks like it has not changed much since it was built. It's kind of like stepping back in time, only it's probably even cleaner now than it was back then!
It's beautiful, but I was glad that I had not arranged to stay there for an extended period because amidst it's beauty there is not a whole lot to do... I took photos, stared at things, walked by tourist shops, waffle shops, chocolate shops, etc... and yep. We took a train back to Brussels after about an hour and a half and I felt like I did all the cheap things available in Brugge. Don't think I am dissing the place though - it really was pretty and it's worth looking at :)
So the nighttime was party time!!!!!
It was a DJ show, but I didn't know any of the DJ's. Apparently one of the headliners was from the States, but I didn't know who they were. The music was okay, but the sound was experiencing problems and the DJ's had broken some equipment the night before in Paris so they were not running at full potential either... but the people were awesome!!
The people at the party were really what made the party!! It was cool that even though I'd only been in Brussels a couple days I still had already met quite a few of the people at that show... plus I met even moooore at the show so that was awesome! Since the music itself was not the bestest nor running at top volume, I ended up talking to people almost the whole show and had a super great time.
One thing that blew me away was at the beginning of the night they wanted me to pay to use the toilets in the venue!! WTF!!!! That was so messed up!!!! I really waited to break the seal man. Luckily I got away with free toilets but really that was ridiculous.
I was so carried away socially that I didn't even notice that it was 5am when it finished. I noticed when we were on the streets after and it was daylight though. It was odd because I wasn't even really that tired, I just knew myself and my incapability of just not sleeping until the next night. This strong preference helped me decided that I didn't want to continue partying hardcore at some other house/after party.
Instead of going to a crazy after party with a bunch of strangers, about six or seven of us went up to Nico's to hang out on the terrace and chill. I liked this idea because I could go to bed if I felt tired, but I could hang out as well.
I ended up being awake until at least 9am! The next day was going to be very short!!
.... and it was.
I slept in until 5pm, ate some food, watched a couple things on the computer, knitted, and managed to fall asleep again just past midnight to right my schedule. No hangover, no problem!!
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