Saturday, July 25, 2009

Luxembourg Kickoff!

I woke up and was offered a ride to town to the train station!

I had to wait for this guy to finish a beer though, so that was quite annoying. Especially since I hate hate hate getting into cars with people drinking. I waited and eventually we went into the city. We had food out there, and went to check the internet for Nora's number, where this place was, options in general. I found her number (yay!) and saw on a map where I was supposed to go. This made things easier...

I went to the train station and bought a cheap ticket because I was under 26... only thing is this was going to take 4 1/2 hours total, so I was going to arrive close to night time. Nighttime in a forest trying to find a party with my pack. Interesting.

The train was really pleasant! There were two 20 minute stops, one in Gent:

And one in Lieges... eventually I found my way to the random train stop.

There were four houses and an abandoned hotel. And forest. That. Was. It. Other than the tiny train station of course, which I don't think even had a building.

At least there were few choices in direction - more chance of going the right way.

I found the street right away, and I was feeling myself get more and more excited: there I was in the middle of the forest


just me and my pack... heading to this barbeque/DJ party in the middle of nowhere


having my little adventure of a lifetime traveling moment! I took a little video:

I found the party no problem... found Nora no problem :) There was music, food, water, and a little shed thing to put my bag in. I took out the hula hoops to prepare for use... after a little food.


I danced, talked, ate, and drank mostly water.

When it was around 4, I thought about taking my bag up to the van before I got really tired and then the task would suck more... When I got up to the van though I started to feel more tired. Just in time. I thought maybe the music is keeping me going... so I went down...

... that lasted maybe 15 minutes. Nope. Too tired.

The van was huge, and the bed was already put together so I just went upstairs and slept in the van for a couple hours. Nora came up and joined at around 6 or so I think. We woke up around seven or something and had a crazy foggy ride back to her house.

the van almost was stuck in the woods at first, but she got it out. We also had to search for the keys for a while and wait for someone. When we finally made it to the house her dad was already awake getting ready to go to work!

He was leaving for Croatia the next day, so that was the last I saw him for over a week! We went upstairs and collapsed hardcore.

Could not think of a better introduction to Luxembourg :D

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