Thursday, July 16, 2009

Skream! Benga! Fancy Photos!

Okay so I was going to go chill in the park for a little while due to nice weather and heavy party plans for the evening, when Saulo the Portuguese guy texted me while walking to my bike.... saying he was in Vondelpark! Perfect!

I headed down and hula hooped, lay around, and eventually went on an errand run...

I was to get tickets for Paul and I that night: for SKREAM AND BENGA!! WTF!!! In the same night! At the same time really! Wow! So happyyyyyyy!!!

There were tickets left so I snapped two up!! The venue looked pretty cool too. Saulo and I then went to a little walk type thing. After some hot dogs on a boardwalk thing by a canal, we decided to part ways for the time being.

Once again I went to get groceries for tonight's Thai meal. This time I got things properly... then went out again for some wine...

The dinner was super super yummy! The wine was also good... I am not used to drinking wine though, so I was feeling it pretty quick and soon enough I was dancing around the living room in preparation for whompy whompy debstepz :D

I covered myself in my new sparkly moisturizer and biked down. We got in and found the dubstep :D

I danced and danced and danced!

We ate some fries, then eventually it was time to get back. I don't know exactly what time it was, but the place wasn't closing till 5am and there wasn't tons of time left in the set.... I was super stoked on it though - very good night :D

The next day was a lot of sleeping, knitting, a bit of hula hooping perhaps, and small walks to places like the supermarket and such.

I wasn't too hung over amazingly, but the weather was not the best so it seemed like a good day to stay in.

I finished a piece of my project... here it is so far:


not bad eh?! It looks a lot better done, but I don't know if I actually remembered to take a picture! I don't think I did actually! :s Ah well. You will see it eventually :)

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