I headed down and hula hooped, lay around, and eventually went on an errand run...
I was to get tickets for Paul and I that night: for SKREAM AND BENGA!! WTF!!! In the same night! At the same time really! Wow! So happyyyyyyy!!!
There were tickets left so I snapped two up!! The venue looked pretty cool too. Saulo and I then went to a little walk type thing. After some hot dogs on a boardwalk thing by a canal, we decided to part ways for the time being.
Once again I went to get groceries for tonight's Thai meal. This time I got things properly... then went out again for some wine...
The dinner was super super yummy! The wine was also good... I am not used to drinking wine though, so I was feeling it pretty quick and soon enough I was dancing around the living room in preparation for whompy whompy debstepz :D
I covered myself in my new sparkly moisturizer and biked down. We got in and found the dubstep :D
I danced and danced and danced!
We ate some fries, then eventually it was time to get back. I don't know exactly what time it was, but the place wasn't closing till 5am and there wasn't tons of time left in the set.... I was super stoked on it though - very good night :D
The next day was a lot of sleeping, knitting, a bit of hula hooping perhaps, and small walks to places like the supermarket and such.
I wasn't too hung over amazingly, but the weather was not the best so it seemed like a good day to stay in.
I finished a piece of my project... here it is so far:
not bad eh?! It looks a lot better done, but I don't know if I actually remembered to take a picture! I don't think I did actually! :s Ah well. You will see it eventually :)
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