I was a minute or two off, because my stupid VISA will not work in the fast ticket machines. I arrived to the desk in time, but there was a line, so of course by the time I got to the teller I had one minute.... ugh.
This made me rather late. There was also a signal problem so the later train was also late!
On the positive side, I finished my project on the train so I could return to the same button store and buy more buttons!!
I finally arrived in Antwerp and found Pete no problem. They had storage lockers in the train station, so I ditched the pack in there (the clothes were only slightly clammy yay!) and went to walk around :)
I found the button store right away, and picked out some nice ones... We then did a wandering tour of Antwerp... We found some places I didn't see at all last time, and ended up grabbing coffee in a square. That was pleasant... There was a big market selling all sorts of goodies, so we got some sweet stuff :)
Once done with the sweet, it was time for the bitter. We sat on a terrace and had a yummy Belgian beer. I had forgotten how nice they were! This had reminded me of the bar I was at during my last Antwerp experience... sooo we set off trying to find it.
My lack of memory from Amsterdam and my poor sense of direction made this process a lot longer than necessary haha, but we found it. By this time we were getting hungry, but when we sat down we noticed there was not much appealing food on the menu. We decided to eat somewhere else, and ended up at this crazy busy Italian place with a terrace!
One shared pizza later and shared bottle of wine, it was back to the bar that had been found... We stayed there and ended up talking to people until it was time to catch a train back! It was hard to leave the place that time too, but Pete was much better about getting back than I was haha.
We made this train, but at one point it was looking pretty close! I had to drunkenly run to get my pack while he got tickets for us, so with the teamwork we made it on time whew...
People I remembered from the bar in Kuurn came to pick us up from Kortrijk train station! That was really nice :) I arrived in the familiar bar and put my stuff upstairs... came back down....
a lot of similar people were there that night... they kept giving me beer and wouldn't let me pay. I ended up rambling in broken French to some guy, but it does get a little blurry.
It was a fantastic night, but it was not going to be a good morning....
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