It's times like these that I get angry at Langley Secondary School for canceling that damn late French Immersion Program. I could have really used that here!
I suppose this is the perfect transition city before Europe... It's the first place I've traveled to so far in my three months on the road that hasn't spoken exclusively English everywhere.
It's crazy to be walking down the streets hearing people talking and have no idea what they are saying (except the odd word/phrase). It's even weirder when you're at the bar and someone walks up to you and starts talking really fast asking questions in French...
and you just look at them (probably appearing very confused) thinking "oh shit". Then they're like "oh. Do you have any lip gloss?" just like BAM they just switch languages instantly. WTF
I have also noticed that since Montreal in March is not crazy like in the summer, plus it's not a heavy tourist spot anyhow... people constantly ask you why you are here and how long you are staying. Way more than when I was in the States. Sometimes people look confused when I tell them I don't know how long I am here for lol.
I think most young people here are students because it's SO FREAKING CHEAP to go to school here. Almost every person my age I have met is in college or university. Seriously. It's crazy. I told someone how much my schooling cost and they almost died. They were paying like 500 a year or something stupid like that. WTF
I am trying to think out a day to day type thing of what I've done here so far, but it's tough... It's been way too long. And some of my first week was filled with really boring to read about type stuff. Like searching for massage places etc.
Montreal has been nice so far, but it's really making me realize how much I like to understand everything going on around me... not knowing French is driving me kind of crazy.
Aww Leanne I wish I was there to help translate!!!
that probably would have helped, but it was still fun figuring it out :D
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