We walked back and picked up some ginger ale on the way, and talked on the couch some more. This is when I was reminded that I still haven't seen my uncle Larry since I was here! Oh no!
I ended up calling him at 10:30 rather tipsy and got a hold of him!
We arranged to meet up the next day after he worked - just in time because I was leaving the next day...
so I set my alarm, got ready a little earlier, and slept off the alcohol successfully :)
He picked me up from the van and we went and found a nice pub with an outdoor section since it was so nice out :) I had not seen Larry in about 15 years so it was really cool to talk to him as an adult and catch up! I had not seen Anne for about that long too, so this whole time in London has really been long lost relative time.
Soon enough, he had to get on with things, so he dropped me back off at the school and I started the process of packing. I wanted to give my bag a thorough clean-out this time. Anne was also going to Vancouver on the 10th so I could leave a few small things to send home so lighten the load and save on postage!
I gathered my stuff and prepared for the Eurostar trip!!!!