I wanted to get to the Indian High Commission beforehand though, so I left the house a little early to get out there. The stupid place gave me a piece of paper telling me that the visa applications were handled by someone else, and gave me the information of yet another place. ARG.
At least on the way there I got to see a baby bird that had just hatched, and the parents were all cuddly with it and stuff. Very Cute!
By then it was time to head to Jayne, but I got confused/lost on the way back to the tube because I didn't go back the way I came and the streets were all curvy. I got to Waterloo a little late, after some cell phone chaos!
It was fantastic to see Jayne again (she is living an hour out of London) - we went for sushi, which was my first time eating sushi since New Orleans!! After this we went walking around, saw some protesters...
Then we went to a pub where you can see the Big Ben....
As we walked in Jayne looked like she wanted to say something...
We went inside to order beer and informed me that one of the people standing outside drinking a beer was in fact an actor on Coronation Street! She had watched it since she was three with her parents, so she knew who this was, what was going on, etc - exciting stuff! I was happy to be there with her because I would have been clueless!
We went outside and took photos... I kept them super big so they will look smaller on here to make things easier...
We sat outside and talked to the actor, who turned out to be quite laid back and un-stuck-up :) We chatted, then Jayne and I chatted, but as he left he still made a point to say goodbye to us - quite nice. We got interesting looks from others outside as well.
Some person on the bench next to us got pooed on by a bird. That was crappy (haha) for him!
Post pub we decided to go walking around!
I climbed one of the Lions....
After this we ended up in Soho eating our sushi leftovers. We convinced David to come down to meet us later, and decided to find this lesbian bar that I had read about in my lonely planet book. It was supposed to be in Soho.
We found it. The whole inside was pink; it was named Candy Bar! There were free chips there that I was happy to eat an entire bowl of hahaha. They messed up and gave our first drinks to us for free! Good start!
David and friends eventually arrived, but couldn't get in because of a cover charge that must have started after we arrived. We left of course, and found this little hole in the wall place. It had some cool bar stools:
... but it closed down early. This forced us back on the lookout for places that looked good but open. There were a couple possibilities but they all wanted cover, so we walked towards the bus stop to catch a night bus back to David's warehouse area where there were about four warehouse parties going on within a block.
As we were waiting for the bus, Jayne and I had the urge too urinate. We went on the hunt for a toilet, and in our hunting accidentally found this Spanish bar thing! There was a dj, cheap drinks, nice atmosphere, big amount of space, and they weren't going to close until it looked less busy.
We brought everyone back here until this place closed too. Then it was off to the warehouses.
At some point I remember eating a heated up frozen pizza... Not sure if that was when we got back or later... we checked out a couple of the parties on his block; I lost one of my earrings in the chaos, so after that I wanted to go back to the house thing. By the time we went back it was daylight. I didn't mind as much as I usually do though, I think at this point I am getting used to it. This is a good or bad thing, depending on how you look at it...
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