I left the house to check out some museums... on the way I got some very good news!!
My hula hoops were waiting at home for me!!!
The first museum on the list was the Natural History Museum. Lots of dinosaurs and stuffed animals (not the plush kind :s)
After this museum (I love that these are all free!!!!) I went next door to the science museum. It was too big to go through as thoroughly as the Natural History one, so I chose a level and went up. I picked out the history of Medicine and Health Care (of course)...
After this museum, I went walking around the area... I hadn't been in this exact place, and it was swanky. I bought a non-swanky hot dog and wandered.
I got on a random tube and got off whenever it seemed interesting or famous. Of course I recognized this street.
Sadly, I was thinking of Basil of Baker Street before Sherlock Holmes. Ah well!
Close by was Regent's Park: I was not expecting it to be so impressive!!
After this marathon of walking looking at stuff... I headed back. Anne and I were going to go out for dinner! We walked to this Italian restaurant which was quite nice.
I am not used to drinking wine, so I was surprisingly tipsy on the walk back. I had an excellent time at dinner, but in my distraction I lost the hair tie thing I had bought in Camden a couple days ago... That was sad....
I got a hold of my sister that night! That was neat :)
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