Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sunshine and Patios

This day started with breakfast in the sunshine in a backyard. I was relieved that I had a minimal hangover because of the burger from the night before :) It was such a beautiful day, but after chilling out for a while there, it was time to go back to Anne's... I wanted to change and such because I was going to check out Owen's band that night :)

This punk show was in Kingston, Surrey, a new part of the London area I hadn't been to yet! I was super surprised when I managed to find the place no problem at all! I made it in time to see Owen play, then there were several other bands on afterward! I ended up meeting a bunch of people, listening to music, you know... the stuff you do at a local type show in a bar. They were playing Devil's Rejects on the TV there, which was not something I was expecting!

Owen lived a loooooooooooooot closer to the bar than I did, so I got to get a ride back in the van... when I got in there was a little pullout chair all set up and ready!!! It was so cute!

In the morning I had breakfast with Owen and his family all together at the table... again so cute!! I got to sit outside in the garden too, and once again it was a very beautiful day :)

It was nice enough that we ended up going to Camden market. I had been there before, but it's a big area and I had lost my hair thing so I thought about getting it back... plus it's a nice place to walk around. Eventually we had to go, so off I went back to the house to get clean and fed.

The rest of my night was given to the computer trying to catch up on stuff!!

and now I have to think because that's where my notes end and I don't have any memory of things I did a few weeks ago offhand! Brainstorm time!!

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