I woke up able to use the internet right away to check responses. I Skype-called Acer Support because they wanted me to send my computer to Canada (bullshit). I just wanted to change the address, but the woman on the phone wanted me to try a couple things first before mailing it off.
The first thing was something I had already done. The second was not. I was to flash my BIOS with a little usb thing. I was not expecting anything, but when I did my screen came to life!
It started working again!MAGIC! You cannot imagine how awesome that moment was. I jumped a little, squeaked, and my eyes bugged out when I saw the little startup screen :D
I was sooooooooo happy!People were going out that night too, so I could go celebrate! I used my happy little computer for a little while, got ready, and went out to take some photos.
I went to the East Side Gallery. It was being painted over with artwork instead of graffiti style, so it isn't the same as the old school one...
you can see the difference in the non-repainted part and the repainted one, but they are both cool and I appreciate both. I took LOTS of photos though so be warned...

haha it wasn't me but cool:

This was a highlight so far :) I love street art! This is where the DnB show was the first night I arrived:

I then hid a book in a supermarket near where I was. I got a little lost and made my way back to the house. Everyone was leaving by a certain time to go out to this wine meeting. You pay 2 euro, but one you get back when you return the glass... then you drink as much wine as you want plus they have a dinner buffet early. You pay what you think you should... We wanted to get food so we headed down fairly early. Of course it's impossible to not get drunk with this method of service, so after we were all nice and red faced we went to a party on a bridge!
On the way there I saw this hula hoop just sitting there... music was playing... I grabbed the thing and noticed that there were hula hoops everywhere! People were dancing around with them - and they were really good!! I played for a bit and I was so happy!!!
The bridge party gets kind of hazy. I remember smashing one of my beers exiting the portapotti. That sucked. I remember ranting about some things, talking in non-rant style about others... general good party times. You know. I was surprised at the impressive amount of people just standing on a bridge drinking! Then the police came.
Next on the list was food, then night bus. I ate, but then Floh and I (also staying at Big Pink and had arrived this day) stood at what we THOUGHT was a night bus stop... but after a while we realized that this was not a bus stop at all. We had missed one because of this and I figured the rest of the crew were on that one. We caught the next one to the house, but no one was there?! Confusing. When asked the next day, Alvaro had no idea where he was either lol. Good times!