I went into town to look at train tickets over to Munich, then contacted Christophe from CS since he said he had nothing to do that afternoon. We met up in the square, visited the vendor table, and decided to take a trip out of the city!!
we got a map from the tourist office of all of Luxembourg the country, picked a place, and got in the car!
The drive up was beautiful!
this was totally by accident:
There was a castle in this town (we passed a few extremely cute towns before as well!)
Eventually we found water!
we found a lizard too!
the lake:
I pretended to be a fish:
The ride back was also quite nice! Christophe convinced me to go to Arlon in Belgium (not very far away) for a Belgian beer and fries... this was tempting! I could take a train back for 1.50 Euro, so I agreed. My bathing suit soaked through my pants and shirt though, so I put on my towel and tried to dry my pants on the vent in the car ride to Arlon...
We made it there, bought the fries and went to the top of a castle looking thing!
The sun went down over the little city :)
after this was the beer!
soon enough it was time for me to get on the train... I made it back to the house in decent time, and went quietly to sleep :)
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