I made it just in time - and ran into one of the girls from Prague who was going to be in Berlin! Random!! So I had a partner on the tour yay! They really are more fun when you are with someone. We ended up talking to a lot of people though, and met up with another CSer... then turns out a few more on the tour were on CS too but it was not arranged for us all to meet hahaha. Strange world couchsurfing is: there are a lot of us now it seems!
Our tour guide was awesome - very funny Irish guy that knew everything but made it really interesting :) The tour took a really long time too - it was over four hours of walking!
The tour was so long by the time it ended I was late to get to Alvaro's! I was talking to a lot of people on the tour, but had to stop myself and get myself to the Ubahn station so I could get my stuff from Carson's and run to the other house. I got there late, but someone was home so they let me in. I dropped my stuff and talked to one of the inhabitants, Trevor. Alvaro was showing someone around some of the city, so after settling I went to meet them where they were.
We were walking for quite a while, in a new part of town for me too. There were a lot of cafes and bars and food places etc. They ate some kebab (I had kebab too, but on the way to meet them not knowing they would eat) and eventually I went back to the house. I was still kind of stressing with my broken computer and I got some direction for where to go the next day to try and see who could fix it. When we arrived back there were also a few girls in the garden that had just returned from the Radiohead show in Prague! They had been hitchhiking and it was a first time for a couple of them I think.. they had some crazy crazy stories so everyone ended up in the little kitchen talking for some time... there are a lot of people living at this house (named "Big Pink") so even though it was mostly just people that lived there, it was still at least 6 or more people all hanging out. Trevor was baking bread. It smelled so good :)
I read for a while... I finished "Three Cups of Tea" and started Slaughterhouse Five". It was perfect for being in Germany, and a good way to end the night since I couldn't play on my computer!
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