I, of course, freaked out and put out a post that I am going to this place and if anyone wants to come then they can.
I was not expecting such a response, but at least six people were claiming they wanted to come out so that was cool!
I was not expecting to get all drunk the night before though, so while all these other people were discussing times and such I was almost late for my own excursion. Luckily I was able to down some food and water and painkillers and get out the door just in time. We were not that late whew!
The English speaking tour had just left and were nice enough to wait for us. We absorbed an Aussie also named Tom, and a girl named Viola I believe. The four of us found the rest of the crew already on the tour!
A few of us ended up being famous! They needed volunteers to help make a movie so they put Tom, Viola, and me in costumes and had us read lines. This was to be cut into a clip that would be shown later on!
I saw a set from the German movie "Der Baader Meinhof Komplex" which I had on my computer from Montreal (watched it fully in Belfast)! Most of the movie had been filmed on locations, but this wasn't possible for the prison so I got to go into the prison area from the movie...
There were quite a few sets and things we went through, but then we got to the one I was so excited for....
The Neverending Story!!!
The oracles were SO SMALL!
When they asked for volunteers to ride the dragon, I was the only one that shot their hand up going memememememe!
they took two little kids then as well (who were obviously too young to have seen the movie) and we all sat there while they did the blue screen demo. I was happy as you can see haha.
After the tour, we all took a tram back and went to get picnic food to go to English Gardens. Some left to go home first, so we met up after getting food at the University and went to find a spot to eat.
It was Saturday, and it was hot, so the place was PACKED! The park had a nude sunbathing area, people laying everywhere, people with guitars, slackline
the river was moving quite fast in some parts, and this I found funny:
the gigantic watermelon
there was a dam under a bridge that created a standing wave, so there are constantly people surfing back and forth on it... it's mesmerizing, I could watch for ages...
It was cool! Eventually it was time to meet with couchsurfers for a bbq on the river. We got some food from the store and headed out to this enormous bbq land... it was right on the river, sort of IN the river sometimes. It was essentially pebble islands and beach along a big river... with fire EVERYWHERE! there were fire spinners, bbqs dotted alllll over the place... tiki torches, little fires....
here is walking over the bridge:
and a tiki torch!
We hopped between the couchsurfing BBQ and this adjacent birthday one that was yelling songs most of the time. Eventually Tom and I went back to the U-Bahn but we had missed the last one by ten minutes! We could either take a taxi or wait for two or so hours before the first one started running at 4:22am.
I was feeling awake and so was Tom, so we went to the beach but closer to the station. We came across some music, and some Thai people. Most were in their late 40s or 50s, and it was one of their birthdays too.
We talked to the Thai people (quite a few were drunk) they gave us the spiciest thing I have ever tasted (it was good though once there was rice to dilute the EXTREME spice. They were playing Thai music on a little stereo, and had a little prayer flag tree thing, which was for their Buddhist Temple in Munich. We got to put a flag on :)
It was an amazing experience hanging out on the beach with these people, it was like being in another world - a few of them were asleep and I think they were going to all fall asleep on the beach. They were so friendly though and invited us to come to the Buddhist Temple the next day!
The time flew by in the little candle-lit sea of Thai people so fast that we even missed the tram at 420, we caught the 5am one home and went to sleep!
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