The day before I had talked to Jimmy's host - Calvin - and he had offered to give me a free tour of the city on this spider bike... he's from Texas and had just started working as a tour guide through Prague. Jimmi and Lidwin were going back to Munich, so I walked them to the underground. I was given a mission to get a hockey scarf for Jimmy, and possibly mail it to him. I took the money and was excited for this mission! I started walking away...
I went to visit Calvin in the main square then, and saw what he was "driving". The bike was just silly.... it's a circle with a little table etc the middle... the "driver" had to steer with a steering wheel while all the others pedaling were making it easier to be pedaling this crazy heavy bike thing. Everyone would face center.... fuck I should just find a picture online or something...
it was fun. The tour was more hanging out with people on the bike riding around the city. Not too much history or anything, but that's okay. Calvin invited me to hang out after work, and I agreed. I had some time and some stuff to shop for, so I left on my mission.
I found a scarf for Jimmi! I also found my backpack patch, postcard, cheap sunglasses (I had stepped on mine in Luxembourg), and shopped some more! I felt very productive! I headed back just in time... Calvin dropped the bike off and we walked to his house, he made food food for himself, and we hung out for a few hours talking away. I was going to dinner with another Couchsurfer that evening, so I didn't want to ruin dinner!
It's a good thing I didn't... it was excellent :) We had an interesting conversation about language (this is an Irishman that knows eight languages fluently wtfff) but eventually after hanging out for a little while afterwards I had to go to move my stuff.
Danny is an extremely active host, so there were a bunch of Kiwi's showing up at his house that night. I had been booked in only for the weekend, so now there was no room for me to stay... Danilo had offered to host me next and he lived five minutes walk down the street, so I was moving there. The place where I had dinner (Benny's) was five minutes from Danilo, so I was walking for ten to Danny's, packing my stuff, and walking five minutes to Danilo's. Easiest move EVER! Soooooo many people live in this one little neighborhood!
When I arrived at Danilo's, I was not in the mood to go out partying really. I was full of good sober conversation, so I downloaded this game that I've wanted for aaaaggeesss and hung out watching Youtube and How I Met Your Mother with Danilo :)
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